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About This Crew

The Van Society are a well established GTA crew focused on the PS4 for mature gamers who like to approach GTAO from a different angle to get the most out of the game. Since the beginning of this crew we’ve been hosting events every week and we still do.

  1. What's new in this crew
  2. CatManDoza

    VANS Chat

  3. The Favourites: Christmas Edition Come and join us on Wednesday 28th of december at 20:00 UK Time on PS4* for The Favorites! Just turn up to the Christmas tree on Legion Square in your favorite reable car where we will hopefully drive in the snow. We will determine who has the best nicest car brought to the meet before we start races where each participant can select their car and track combination they like to race! We will all race the car the player selected against eachother. The person choosing the car will have to own the car and share it unless he picks a stock car to race Pick whichever you think people should get a taste of or should suffer in! But beware.. You to have to drive your own car too! Post Malone to get involved! Verstappen Mulder *Subject to change depending on people with available platforms & who will all be there. 🙂
  4. Warriors-Ten

    Tulip Redemption & Tahoma Comeback

    I should be there!
  5. Tulip Redemption & Tahoma Comeback Come and join us on Wednesday 21st of December at 20:00 UK Time on PS4* to give a nice end the the shortest day of the year! Just turn up to the parking garage of the Rockford Mall wither either vehicles to complete your christmas shopping, enjoy some races & company. NOTE: The 18th is the Final day you can get the Tahoma Coupe FOR FREE. We will find out who has the best American 2 door before we start a playlist to determine who gets to play Santa at the mall! We will be using custom Tulip M-100's & Tahoma Coupe against each other, but dont worry if you dont have either as we can share where needed. Post below to get involved! Verstappen Warriors Mulder *Subject to change depending on people with available platforms & who will all be there. 🙂
  6. hope it was an enjoyable one 🤣🤣 And oof that's not ideal
  7. Had a thoroughly enjoyable evening, I lied a little when I said I had to go to sort out work stuff for 2moro, I'm not working 2moro, I just needed a poo!!! The sad thing about tonight is, I noticed my PS+ Runs out tomorrow, so until R* sorts out PS5/PC Crossplay...................
  8. Thanks everyone for coming, hope you had a good time! Was great to see everyone 🙌
  9. Not the whole thing? Shameful!
  10. I'll be there for the first hour or so! What a treat!
  11. Great to hear everyone is coming along! Don’t forget to download the latest update that came out earlier today 👍
  12. If they don't disappear soon, they will be sold at an even more bargain price man's got big dining room innit
  13. f*cking hell, I am a little er*ct right now!!!!
  14. I think I may be in a Rusty rebel then!
  15. Also, just a reminder that I am a peasant and can't afford a PS5, so you'll be having to suffer on PS4 with me 😂
  16. doubleg213

    VANS Chat

    Not been active as during the summer I was mega busy and I've still been ill quite a bit. All done with Uni though which is a bonus. Also had some family illness as well so all in all things have been a bit sh*tty and as a result my motivation levels have been hovering somewhere around zero. I have done quite a bit of grinding though, I think I may be covered until they release GTA6 on the PS12 in about 30 years time. Getting to the 1 billion mark was a bit
  17. I shall be attending in a vehicle which is totally suitable for off road activities. I think you'll find that you have significantly more than £600 worth of Nova parts as I got those at a bargain price!
  18. What is this tom foolery?
  19. Present!
  20. f*cking hell, how did you manage to fit 3 Vauxhall Nova’s in your dining room?!
  21. They've both disappeared of the face of the earth I think. I've still got £600 worth of Vauxhall Nova Parts in my dining room of G's
  22. Excellent news 😂 I've been trying to get Chubb, G etc involved too but not heard from them 😞 Paulie is in though! As well as the usual suspects 🙌
  23. Well it seems France did their bit for you, so long as the wife is at work, I'll be there. Silly me moving my PS4 into the living room!!!
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