This event begins 10/04/2019 and repeats every week on Friday forever
Every Friday at 8pm UK time
Come and joins us for some fun with *Fortnite Fridays with Friends...
This weekly event will see a few of us get together on Fortnite for some fun and games whatever your level of ability.
This will be a casual event that players can drop in and out of, just post below if you are interested so I can make sure you are on my friends list. If you are reading this and considering joining in, just sign up and come along.
If you are a noob, great, so am I. If you are a pro, great, I could use some advice!
Due to Fortnite being cross platform this event is open to PS4, XBOX, Switch and PC players.
The night will be split into 3 parts...
1. Creative Warm up
We will kick off in Creative on a custom map. This will be a warm up session we use whilst people arrive, just jump in and start killing people or just chill out in the Safe Zone.
2. Creative Maps
Created a new Island you want us to try? Maybe you have found a great new Island Code we can try out? Once we are all in we will play about on some new maps.
3. Battle Royale
We will end the night with some Battle Royale, either splitting into Squads or Duos or maybe some Zone wars.
*This event has no affiliation with other Fortnite Friday or Firday Night Fortnite competitions, it is just RSC members getting together for some fun & practice in Fortnite on a Friday.