Grand Theft Auto V/Online
The infamous freeroam battlezone. This is the forum for all GTAO and story mode discussions.
781 topics in this forum
How much longer do you see yourself playing GTAO?
by JustHatched- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Most of us around here have been playing GTAO for a long time, later this year will mark 6 years for me and I have been thinking about how much longer do I want to invest my time to GTA. Granted, I only load the game for crew events (mostly) and I do still enjoy messing in the creator but I kinda want to get my mind set to "retire" from GTAO at some point in this year. Whats your thoughts?
Tripple Cash on all Survivor Modes
by JuniorChubb- 0 replies
PLUS NEW PREMIUM DELUXE REPO WORK MISSIONS, DISCOUNTS AND MORE Jump straight into some classic GTA Online action this week for triple the going rate, with all Survival Jobs paying out 3X GTA$ through May 8th. Squad up in any of the 9 Survival maps available in the Jobs menu as you attempt to wipe out up to 10 waves of enemies, with fresh weapon loadouts dropping for you and your crew between each round. Last all 10 rounds for a handsome reward each. Three new additions to Simeon Yetarian’s Premium Deluxe Re…
The certificates hanging on the walls of his dealership may contain a suspicious number of typos, but Simeon Yetarian is the real deal - proof that the American Dream is still alive and well in Los Santos. Today, you can take on Simeon's brand new Premium Deluxe Repo Work assignments by heading over to his dealership, accepting them via your iFruit or simply browsing the Missions list in the Jobs menu. And due to the mysterious circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Simeon's former accomplices, Simeon's Premium Deluxe Repo Work is paying out Double Rewards all week long. Simeon's received word that the La Mesa Police are hosting an auction…
Race Track Testing
by omarcomin71- 2 followers
- 6 replies
Over the next few days I’ll be testing race tracks for season 2 of Sunday Racing League. I’ll send out shouts in the chat box A possible time will be Thursday between 8-9 pm UTC.
The Elusive Imponte Phoenix
by SeymorScagneti- 1 follower
- 22 replies
I've been session hopping for 3 days trying to find one. Trying YouTube tips to no avail. Other than missions, I don't think I've seen 1 Phoenix since I've been on PS4. Anyone have any tips on where to find this beauty?
by JustHatched- 0 replies
9f0d34c.mp4 Jump from the Cargobob and into Triple Rewards this week in GTA Online with 3X GTA$ & RP in Motor Wars, the ferocious fight for survival in an intermittently shrinking kill box festooned with all kinds of lethal toys for 2-4 teams and up to 28 players. And continue to scratch that vehicular warfare itch and earn Double GTA$ & RP in the process with two more vehicle-based modes this week: the power-up infused frantic clash of cars known as Vehicle Vendetta, and the souped-up, heavyweight stunt-fueled Hunting Pack (Remix) featuring bruisers like the Vigilante or nimble Scramjets chasing down a Runner rigged to explode. And maximize your B…
by JustHatched- 1 reply
BIKERS WEEK IN GTA ONLINEDOUBLE REWARDS IN DEADLINE, BIKER WORK AND CHALLENGES, AND MORE 02f480d.mp4 Demolish foes with the power of your light trail in Deadline paying out Double GTA$ & RP to all bloodthirsty combatants through March 20th. And in addition to double cash on all Biker Business sales, challenge a rival MC to a Joust or wreak havoc with your MC in Search and Destroy with all Club Work and Challenges paying out 2X GTA$ & RP all week long. Play anytime this week to unlock the monochromatic Steel Horse Solid Logo and Black Western Tees. Take charge of a leather clad legion of prospects with your own MC Clubhouse at 50% of…
Oppressors, I hate them, how bout you?
by JustHatched- 13 replies
The first ones were bad enough (along with the Deluxo) and 2nd Oppressors are even worse for doing anything in a public lobby. I do not own them nor will I. Not that I am in a public lobby much anyways but I think there should be an even counter to them, not a new OP counter, but som*thing that would require skill to take down a skill rider and vice versa.. Thoughts?
by JustHatched- 0 replies
It’s time to buzz the tower in GTA Online, now that a collection of aerial modes and missions including longtime fan-favorites like "Top Fun" are all paying out double rewards through March 13th. You can also earn Double GTA$ on all Smuggler's Cargo Sales, collect a pair of rare in-game tees and take advantage of a squadron of discounts on assorted aircraft, Hangars, and Hangar amenities. They say don't shoot the messenger - but the courier is definitely fair game. 2-4 teams take to the skies to grab as much loot as they can and bring it back to base. Whoever has the biggest haul at the close of business wins, but don't forget: your…
by Donno$$1996dosia- 1 reply
I’m ready to take over the world and need soldiers whiling to go to war
- 10 replies
For me its in a mixed playlist on friday and saturday (european) evenings.
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Does starting a playlist from a invite only lobby makes it harder to rejoin the playlist if disconnected? And, can someone invited, once in the freeroam lobby, invite others to the lobby (not playlist)?
- 11 replies
The pint size pandemonium of RC Bandito Races expands out across Los Santos and Blaine County, with seven additional tracks across new and diverse locations including Fort Zancudo, Paleto Forest and Vespucci Pier: RC - Cargo Chaos: In Los Santos, the glass is always half full. Take Elysian Island, for instance. Look beyond the poorly secured machinery and the routine workplace fatalities, and see a glorious opportunity for some remote-controlled mayhem. RC - Arena Tour: What happens in the arena, stays in the arena. But if you really need to settle a score, you do it the old-fashioned way: fast laps around the building in an RC Bandito. RC – Pierless: V…
Why do you still play GTAO??
by JustHatched- 15 replies
It's an old game compared to just about any game. I only play it a few times a month now. If I didn't have the crew I have I would not be playing it, randoms drive me crazy. I do like getting in the creator and messing around with ideas even if I don't publish it. GTA is a great game, R* keeps adding content, some good some not so much. I guess if they keep adding content it will keep going.
- 5 replies
Whats if for you? For me: Top Creator - creativity Los Santos Customs - all the cars Head to Head mode - the compet*tiveness Bottom Parachute - i just cant Slasher - cant see a thing and then i die Tiny racers - simply boring imo
- 0 replies
Whats if for you? For me: Top Creator - creativity Los Santos Customs - all the cars Head to Head mode - the compet*tiveness Bottom Parachute - i just cant Slasher - cant see a thing and then i die Tiny racers - simply boring imo View the full article
What's left?
by JustHatched- 12 replies
And ideas of what is left to be added in GTAO before Rockstar abandons its in favor of doing only RDRO stuff? I think it's safe to say there will be no GTAO Casino, people been asking that for years and it's never happened. I don't think we will see any new heists or any grand updates like we seen in the past, just the same new modes and races cars. Would be cool if the would put somebody back on verifying creator jobs..
by JustHatched- 0 replies
PRINCIPE DEVESTE EIGHT SUPERCAR AND DOOMSDAY WEEK DOUBLE REWARDS ON ALL DOOMSDAY HEIST FINALES, DISCOUNTS AND MORE It began as little more than a myth: whispers on the dark net that Principe's top engineers were working on their first ever supercar. Then the myth became a legend: a few leaked photograp…
by JustHatched- 1 reply
Once upon a time the Deviant was considered an underdog in the muscle car field. But in the land of opportunity, an underdog is only a genetically-engineered monstrosity in waiting, and that’s som*thing Team Schyster know all too well. Revamped, remodeled, re-engineered and released on the unsuspecting streets of Los Santos, the Schyster Deviant is back with a point to prove - available now at Legendary Motorsport. DOUBLE GTA$ & RP OPPORTUNITIES Challenge miniscule racers at major stakes with Double GTA$ & RP on the recently released RC Bandito Races all week long, then settle the age-old conflict between Beast and Juggernaut to earn double rewards on Tr…
The Declasse Vamos Update
by JustHatched- 1 reply
THE DECLASSE VAMOS MUSCLE CARPLUS VALENTINE'S BONUSES, DOUBLE CASH ON GUNRUNNING SELL MISSIONS & MORE Believe it or not, the Vamos began life in 1960 as a sensible and straight-edge compact car. But over the course of the decade, something wonderful happened. It moved out of its parents' garage and started hanging ar…
Why are you making money?
by Beez- 2 followers
- 23 replies
I'm curious as to what your reasons are for making money in GTAO at this point? I see posts in shoutbox daily about million dollar sales so clearly folks are building their bank accounts. Personally I like to have 5-12 million so I can buy whatever new thing, like the nightclub, comes in an update so I can play the new activity/missions or to buy a new or on sale vehicle I want. Tell me your reasons.
Grand Theft Auto online feedback
by Smurf- 1 follower
- 0 replies
GTAONLINE@ROCKSTARGAMES.COM If you have any ideas that you want to share with GTA online dev's send them a direct message to their email address above. Just like the RDRO feedback this is a feedback method for GTAO. Please pin this post and share your ideas, then share it with them through email. These were some of my ideas over the years that I sent in. If you have more progressive ideas send it in to breathe more life into the game. Allow us to actually 'Source Cars' from the vehicle warehouse computer, a lot of time is wasted travelling to the CEO Office unnecessarily to accomplish this. …
Done or off and on for GTA
by JustHatched- 5 followers
- 19 replies
SO do you plan to be done with GTA in the next couple weeks (if you not already) or you gonna hop on for the racing? I plan on being done with it. Over the next couple weeks I am going to try to get the Plat trophy, I think I just need some story mode stuff for it. I don't plan on turning GTA back on. RDR will keep me busy along with Star Trek Online (very minimal game time on STO) and once Ace Combat 7 comes out they'll be no room for GTA (UNLESS RDR and AA7 suck ass, then i will just go hang myself
- 122 replies
I need to see what everyone is doing with the update. Post your pics and stories! Did you create the ultimate garage, kick ass dance club, or just a hub for all your business endeavors? DON'T FORGET THE PICS!
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Been happening for a few weeks now. Does anyone know how to fix it? When creating/exporting the video it soon stops and gives me this error msg:
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Rate the Last Film you Watched 2: Electric Boogaloo
Emilia Perez (2024) dir Jaques Audiard A multi award-nominated musical about a Mexican drug baron who always felt they were a woman born in a man's body. She fakes her own death and has gender reassignment, plus a lot of other plastic surgery, to start a new, better, life in a new identify. She is assisted in all this by her lawyer, Rita and tries to re-establish some sort of relationship with her wife Jessi and kids. Emilia is played by Karla Sofia Gascon (a trans woman) and has been nominated for best leading actress in the Oscars and Baftas. But I would say it is Zoe Saldana, as Rita, who is the main character. Both she and Selana Gomez, as Jessi, have picked up (supporting actress) nominations, as has the director, makeup artists, composers, producers, writers and others in technical roles. It could win all of those. I don't think it will, but I haven't seen that many films released last year yet. It seems to be one that you either love or hate. I suspect a lot of the hate is coming from people who are anti-trans and can't see past that aspect of the film. I liked it, the music and cinematography in particular. The acting was good, but I'm not sure if it was award-winningly good. I also think the script could have been better. It's just over 2 hours long but because it has so many musical scenes that, as is usually case in musicals, don't advance the plot the way spoken dialogue would, it felt to me like it ought to have been longer to fill in some missing details. The musical numbers were good though, sort of similar to a Baz Lurhman film, in that the actors singing them do not necessarily have a great singing voice but also with some scenes that just burst into a massive dancing and singing show that then goes back to dialogue afterwards. And a lot of it is not musical at all. There were a couple of cheesy scenes; one in-particular in a Thai gender reassignment clinic that Rita is checking out before finding the right one, did not make much sense to me. Maybe they were trying to say “this is the popular image of a s*x-change clinic, but in reality it's something far more serious”? Another slightly weak plot element is that Jessi does not recognise her former husband after the surgery. Of course that surgery has made some massive physical changes, that was the point, but even so, would you not pick up on some characteristics of a person you have been married to for years and had kids with? I can forgive that though, put it down to artistic license, in the same way I forgive William Shakespeare frequently making his characters unrecognisable to their friends and family just by doing their hair different and wearing a hat! 8 / 10- 3
Sandking River
Take your Sandking down the river, over rocks, water and sand. If you dont already own a classic like this, now is the time to get one. A lap is about 3 min 30 sec. 2