Hosting an event in any type game? Perhaps a GTAO car meet or RDRO mission run? If you post it perhaps others will join in.
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- When posting events please be sure to include the gaming platform (PS4, XB1, PC, etc..)
- Events should include date and time (UTC time is best since it doesn't change)
- Be through on the details, sometimes the small things can make the difference in someone wanting to attend our not.
- You have to have 3 posts on the forum before you will be allowed to post an event thread.
164 topics in this forum
ps4 Free Aim Deathmatch Playlist
by pete_95973- 2 followers
- 12 replies
Date of Event: January 20th 2018 Time of Event in UTC: 10:30 pm GMT/UTC (This is approximate, will follow 15 mins after Two Bros) Does Event Repeat: No Event Host: pete_95973 Amount of Players Allowed: 16 Special Rules for Event: Usual combat rules, no BPH, no calling Lester etc. Description of Event: I will host a playlist of 4-5 TDMs with different weapons using free aim settings. This is to help us get better at free aim and also prepare for next weekends Head to Head. Post here if you would like to play.
ps4 Jan 1st EU evening in the snow
by Lann- 3 followers
- 14 replies
With nothing on the calender i just want to see if anyone else want to play GTA in the snow tonight (utc)?! (I will probably show up in the late evening.)
- 10 replies
Date of Event: Nov 21/Nov 22 Time of Event in UTC: 3:30am UTC/10:30pm EST Does Event Repeat: No If Event Repeats/How Often: Event Host: Beez620 Amount of Players Allowed: 16 Special Rules for Event: Have fun and don't drive like a twat. Description of Event: Rockstar released 16 new tranny races today and they are double $$/double RP. I'll make a playlist with all of them so let's give it a go! Post in here to RSVP. RSVPs in the planning thread are: @Con, @omarcomin71, @Onrefne
- 258 replies
Races and combat jobs are all we ever seem to do here, and after a while it gets boring (for me at least). So I was having a game of tennis (on GTA) with an old friend the other day and it inspired me to make a championship. Not your usual grand slam knockout format. I would run it as a group & knockout format. Obviously group sizes would depend on interest, with more interest meaning smaller groups. One match per weekend. Matches are likely to be one set only unless people want longer games. I will post fixtures on here and it would then be up to the 2 players to organise when to play their match (no specific time, only requirement is that it is to be played on …
ps4 Thursday Racing League
by zmurko- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Event Title: Thursday Racing League (Zmurko) Event Author: Lann Calendar: Public Events Calendar Date of Event: 16th of November Time of Event in UTC: 9 PM (10 PM CET) Does Event Repeat: No If Event Repeats/How Often: / Event Host: zmurko Amount of Players Allowed: 30 Special Rules for Event: / Description of Event: A mixed racing playlist. Different classes on mostly street surface, some dirt; crew and community created tracks, mostly non-contact, ... could well feature a staggered start race or two as well. A little bit of everything for everyone. Should take around 1.5h, give or take 10-15mins. I'll get …
ps4 Sunday nov 5th 21:00 UTC
by Lann- 1 follower
- 24 replies
Date of Event: nov 5th Time of Event in UTC: 21:00 Does Event Repeat: no Event Host: Lann Amount of Players Allowed: 16 Special Rules for Event: nope Description of Event: With nothing planned for (EU) tonight I want to see if there is any interest in: Mixed jobs from the upcoming head to head, the crew challenge and the GTAForums Time Trial.
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
Event Title: M.A.R.D.Y Event Author: zmurko Calendar: Public Events Calendar Mondays Are Race DaYs There isn't going to be a fixed format for this event other than it will be race related. It will be used for testing sessions of new tracks and cars, casual race nights and other one off events like ROC and Super GT. Guest hosts are welcome if they want to run an event. It will be bi-weekly while Supercup is on and switch to weekly in November. Event will start at 9pm UK time starting on the 11th of September Every other Monday at 8 PM GMT hosted by Squirrel M.A.R.D.Y
ps4 A very late H'ween Adversary PL
by Protocawl- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Date of Event: November 4th Time of Event in UTC: 2:30am Does Event Repeat: No Event Host: Protocawl Amount of Players Allowed: 4-8 Special Rules for Event: Dress up in H'ween fashion if you want, but nothing is mandatory. Description of Event: The PL that never was. It was supposed to be the Adverse Tuesday H'ween special, but it never happened, but I really want it to happen! So here it is! Scary/creepy adversary modes mixed up with a few custom jobs in a PL that shouldn't take much longer than 1,5hrs. If we get less than 4 players, we could make some money with smuggling instead, since it's still 2x$. RSVP in this thread!
ps4 S'n'G's Treasure Hunt (Xyon) 1 2 3
by LN-MLB- 4 followers
- 70 replies
Event Title: S'n'G's Treasure Hunt (Xyon) Event Author: Skorpion Calendar: Crew Events Calender Event Host: Xyon14 Game: GTA Online Event Start Date: 8th May 2016 Event Start Time: Sunday, 7:00pm GMT/UTC (Sunday, 3:00pm EDT / Sunday, 8:00pm BDT / Monday, 5:00am AEST) Reoccurring: Fortnightly S'n'G's Treasure Hunt Join your host Xyon14 every other Sunday at 7 PM UTC for a series of jobs that are both crew and R* Created/Verified. There isn't a better way to get through the start/end of the week. Only on PS4. This event shares a calendar spot with zmurko's Sunday Racing League, so check the calendar…
ps4 Practice Squad (Lann) 1 2 3
by Skorpion- 3 followers
- 68 replies
Event Title: Practice Squad (Lann) Event Author: Skorpion Calendar: Public Events Calendar Event Host: Lann Game: GTA Online Event Start Date: Thursday, 1st June 2017 Event Start Time: Thursday, 8:00pm GMT/UTC (Thursday, 4:00pm EDT / Thursday, 9:00pm BDT / Friday, 6:00am AEST) Reoccurring: Weekly Special Rules for Event/s: No helmets in combat jobs and no calling Lester Description of Event/s: XDBX invites everyone to a weekly practice for numerous competitive events. Every other week we will focus on the jobs from the current Clash of the Crews round. We will also include the GTAForums Time Trial, the Pfister SuperCup the XDBX crew challenge, a…
ps4 Monday Sept 25 NA PL
by JustHatched- 2 followers
- 6 replies
Gonna host an impromptu tonight of the jobs I have fixed to make sure they work. 930pm central is the start time
ps4 Sunday Sneak-Attack PL
by Con- 6 replies
Date of Event: Sunday, September 24 Time of Event in UTC: 8pm UTC/4pm EST Event Host: Con Amount of Players Allowed: 12 (negotiable) Special Rules for Event: The usual Description of Event: Mixed playlist...compiling list shortly.
ps4 S(aturday) R(acing) L(eague)
by zmurko- 3 followers
- 11 replies
Date of Event: 23rd of September Time of Event in UTC: 6 AM Does Event Repeat: No If Event Repeats/How Often: / Event Host: zmurko Amount of Players Allowed: 16 Special Rules for Event: / Description of Event: A short (1h) impromptu non-contact racing PL suited for west coast, night owls from the rest of US (like @Con) and early birds from Europe (like @Crawford1872 ). Aussies are welcome too. COTC tracks, TT tracks and 1 fresh community track, mixed classes. I hope I can wake up in time to host, otherwise this is the playlist and I'll try joining in when I do wake up. No need to put up any countdown timers, as t…
- 20 replies
Event Title: Sprunk Event Author: Lann Calendar: Public Events Calendar With a mix of players from different crews we will have a relaxed and friendly evening with mixed jobs sponsored by Sprunk. Please note its Free Aim. Sign up on this site to use the rsvp function to reserve a spot! Or send lann3fors a msg on PSN. We do ask you to not use helmets, call Lester or use the hide blip losing perk in the combat jobs and no excessive curb boosting please. Sprunk
ps4 Impromptu SRL
by zmurko- 1 reply
Event Title: Impromptu SRL Event Author: zmurko Calendar: Public Events Calendar Impromptu SRL An impromptu non-contact mixed racing PL. It'll include all COTC jobs and other community and crew created street/road tracks and various car classes. Everyone is welcome (including friends and randoms). Wednesday 13th of September at 9 AM GMT hosted by @zmurko Impromptu SRL
Event Title: COTC SRL Event Author: zmurko Calendar: Public Events Calendar COTC Semi-finals Racing An impromtu COTC races practice open to everyone (randoms as well). All the tracks from the COTC semi-finals and a couple of others will be featured, 5 tracks, 5 classes, all non-contact, ... EVERYONE is welcome! Thursday, 7th of September at 9:00 AM GMT, around 1h long, hosted by @zmurko COTC SRL
ps4 WCC Racing
by zmurko- 0 replies
Event Title: WCC Racing Event Author: zmurko Calendar: Public Events Calendar West Coast Customs Racing An impromtu mixed non-contact racing playlist open to everyone (randoms as well). It'll be a mix of tracks and classes, ... EVERYONE is welcome! Monday, 4th of September at 6:00 AM GMT (Sunday 3rd at 11 PM PST), around 1.5h long, hosted by @zmurko WCC Racing
ps4 Early Bird Racing
by zmurko- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Event Title: Early Bird Racing Event Author: zmurko Calendar: Public Events Calendar EARLY BIRD RACING An impromtu mixed non-contact racing playlist open to everyone (randoms as well). It'll be a mix of tracks and classes, ... EVERYONE is welcome! Wednesday, 30th of August at 6:30 AM GMT (Tuesday 29th at 11:30 PM PST), around 1.5h long, hosted by @zmurko Early Bird Racing
ps4 Dirty Deeds
by zmurko- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Event Title: Dirty Deeds Event Author: zmurko Calendar: Crew Events Calender DIRTY DEEDS What is dirty deeds? It is when we throw all the good gameplay, being nice to each other so all have a chance out the door and try to screw each other over as much as possible. Basically race as nasty as you can in contact races, breakout the RPG's in owned weapons and use the hide blip option in DM's. Come fully dressed in BPH's and be ready to get fucked...... Saturday, 2nd of September at 9:30 PM Central (Sunday, 3rd of September at 2:30 AM GMT) , hosted by @Hatch Dirty Deeds
ps4 Old School Playlist
by zmurko- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Event Title: Old School Playlist Event Author: zmurko Calendar: Crew Events Calender OLD SCHOOL PLAYLIST @Hatch will be hosting an old school playlist, the way it used to be on a Friday/Saturday night. 16 crew created jobs of all types and settings, mostly older stuff all in one go. Join him and see how it used to be. Be sure you don't miss @Dodge and @Hatch beating the shit out of each other before the PL too. Saturday, 26th of August at 9:30 PM Central (2:30 AM GMT on Sunday 27th) Probably limited to 16, so make sure you grab a spot. Old School Playlist
ps4 SRL Down Under
by zmurko- 3 followers
- 13 replies
Event Title: SRL Down Under Event Author: zmurko Calendar: Public Events Calendar SRL DOWN UNDER Sunday Racing League is making a one-off apperance on Saturday. An impromtu mixed non-contact racing playlist open to everyone (even non-Aussies). It'll be a mix of new community tracks, best crew tracks and current challenges/trials tracks, muscles, sports, supers, sports-classics, compacts, ... EVERYONE is welcome! Saturday, 26th of August at 8:30 AM GMT , around 1.5h long, hosted by @zmurko SRL Down Under
- 165 replies
Event Title: XDBX Football League (Zadk) Event Author: Skorpion Calendar: Public Events Calendar Event Host: Zadk13l91 Game: FIFA17 Event Start Date: 16th June 2017 Event Start Time: Friday, 2:30am GMT/UTC Thursday, 10:30pm EDT / Friday, 3:30am BDT / Friday, 12:30pm AEST) Reoccurring: Weekly Special Rules: No Flick Tricks, No Legacy Defending, World and Classic IX are not to be used. Welcome to the XDBX Football League! We'll be using a standard league set up and everyone will play each other twice before the top 4 move on to the finals. Matches will be posted here on Friday at 12pm ACST (2:20am GMT), each week. It will be up to both …
ps4 (GTA) Gunrunning ($×2), CEOing, MCing
by The_Lady_A- 2 followers
- 12 replies
After an impromptu thing after TNT racing last night where a bunch of us helped each other move stuff, and a bit of an agreement to do it again over the weekend, I thought it might be useful to have a thread for the weekend to plan in as it seemed to superseed the heisting that was being planned. Gunrunning missions are double cash this week so it's a great time to sell some Freedom! I'm free for the next three days so I'm happy to help folks out, and I might have some CEO stuff to ship too.
ps4 mixed playlist
by MAHALOKA- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Date of Event: Tuesday 15th aug. Time of Event: 19.00o'clock uk-time / 20.00o'clock eur-time Host of Event: mahaloka Amount of Players Allowed: Minimum 4 and Maximum 30 Special Rules for Event: the usual Description of Event: mixed playlist : races, tdm's and a capture (will take requests and job suggestions!!) (playlist duration: between 1hr and 1hr30min) Playlist link:
ps4 No SRL/No SnG? WTF
by Con- 1 follower
- 11 replies
No Sunday Race League & No Shitz N Gigglez, WTF?/ Anarchy PL Date of Event: August 13th Time of Event: in UTC: Sunday, 7:00pm GMT/UTC (Sunday, 9:00pm CET / Sunday, 3:00pm EDT / Sunday, 8:00pm BDT / Monday, 5:00am AEST) Host of Event: Con Amount of Players Allowed: Minimum 4 Special Rules for Event: The usual Description of Event: Quick playlist of some bookmarked stuff (will take requests and job suggestions!!) Playlist link:
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Rate the Last Film you Watched 2: Electric Boogaloo
Emilia Perez (2024) dir Jaques Audiard A multi award-nominated musical about a Mexican drug baron who always felt they were a woman born in a man's body. She fakes her own death and has gender reassignment, plus a lot of other plastic surgery, to start a new, better, life in a new identify. She is assisted in all this by her lawyer, Rita and tries to re-establish some sort of relationship with her wife Jessi and kids. Emilia is played by Karla Sofia Gascon (a trans woman) and has been nominated for best leading actress in the Oscars and Baftas. But I would say it is Zoe Saldana, as Rita, who is the main character. Both she and Selana Gomez, as Jessi, have picked up (supporting actress) nominations, as has the director, makeup artists, composers, producers, writers and others in technical roles. It could win all of those. I don't think it will, but I haven't seen that many films released last year yet. It seems to be one that you either love or hate. I suspect a lot of the hate is coming from people who are anti-trans and can't see past that aspect of the film. I liked it, the music and cinematography in particular. The acting was good, but I'm not sure if it was award-winningly good. I also think the script could have been better. It's just over 2 hours long but because it has so many musical scenes that, as is usually case in musicals, don't advance the plot the way spoken dialogue would, it felt to me like it ought to have been longer to fill in some missing details. The musical numbers were good though, sort of similar to a Baz Lurhman film, in that the actors singing them do not necessarily have a great singing voice but also with some scenes that just burst into a massive dancing and singing show that then goes back to dialogue afterwards. And a lot of it is not musical at all. There were a couple of cheesy scenes; one in-particular in a Thai gender reassignment clinic that Rita is checking out before finding the right one, did not make much sense to me. Maybe they were trying to say “this is the popular image of a s*x-change clinic, but in reality it's something far more serious”? Another slightly weak plot element is that Jessi does not recognise her former husband after the surgery. Of course that surgery has made some massive physical changes, that was the point, but even so, would you not pick up on some characteristics of a person you have been married to for years and had kids with? I can forgive that though, put it down to artistic license, in the same way I forgive William Shakespeare frequently making his characters unrecognisable to their friends and family just by doing their hair different and wearing a hat! 8 / 10- 3
Sandking River
Take your Sandking down the river, over rocks, water and sand. If you dont already own a classic like this, now is the time to get one. A lap is about 3 min 30 sec. 2