VANS Events & Results
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185 topics in this forum
Budget Classic Car Night.
by SkyeDave- 2 replies
Come join us this Wednesday 2nd March where we pit the cheapest Classic cars against each other for a night of fun, low stakes racing. Eligible cars are: Dynasty Manana Peyote Tornado Tornado Cabrio Tornado Custom Mariachi Tornado You can race the same car all night or chop and change and try other peoples. Sign up below: 1. SkyeDave 2. Mulder
Mystery Car February 2022
by Mark Verstappen- 3 replies
Come and join us for Mystery Car on Wednesday 23th of February at 20:00 GMT. We will start out in free roam at the parking lot west of the Vespucci Beach Houses from where we will have to follow the clues to find the Mystery Car. Once the car is revealed we will all buy it if needed, modify it, then spend the night racing it. The price of the car will be less than $100k so don't worry about having to spend millions to join in. The usual rules will apply, don't bring the emergency services along with you in free roam, don't kill other players, race clean and respect the other racers.... Basically don't be a bellend. Post your best mystery GIF below to get in…
The Return of 'What's Under The Hood?'
by SkyeDave- 4 replies
Is it Stock or Sleeper? Racer or Ricer? Join us this Wednesday 16th February 20:00GMT for a muscle car series with a difference. As well as trying to beat each other on the track we'll be trying to trick each other into being in slower cars as we wonder, what's under the hood? It's like a game of poker at 100mph. The 11 Cars allowed on the night: Blade, Dukes (not of Death), Ruiner, Sabre Turbo(not custom), Burger Shot Stallion, Phoenix, Redwood Gauntlet, Stallion, Buccaneer, Gauntlet and the Vigero You can pick a different car each race or stay in the same one. The cars can be fully modded, they can be stock or if you're feeling particularl…
by Mark Verstappen- 5 replies
ABC 2 Come and join us on Wednesday 9th of February at 20:00 UK Time for ABC! Just turn up to the parking lot of the Church in Strawberry in any of the 8 ABC 2 cars. We will determine who knows their ABC best before we start a playlist to determine who gets an A+! For all races we will all race one car of the ABC per race from 1 to Z starting with F to M this Wednesday. ABC will be hosted sporadically. We wont do all of the nights in succession. Don't worry if you don't own all/any of the cars, we can spawn them in for you. For this week the list of cars is: Fränken Stange Gauntlet Hellfire Hellion I-Wagen Jac…
Survive the Hunt 3
by Mark Verstappen- 6 replies
Survive the Hunt 3 Come and join us in Survive the Hunt, where the aim is to... Well... survive the hunt! Wednesday 2nd of February 20:00 UK time starting from Vespucci Helipad. What is Survive The Hunt? Essentially, Survive The Hunt is a freeroam game mode where one player is "hunted" by 8+ other players. There is no radar, HUD or name-tags in order to make this a bit more interesting. While there is no set tactic, the most popular and effective one is for the hunted player to "blend in" with the game AI - either on foot or in a car. This means obeying traffic laws, following the road at an AI-ish pace, stopping at traffic lights etc. The hunters can employ a…
- 6 replies
Hello Vans! Sorry, I should dhav ebput the sup much sooner. We've been Kindly invited to join XDBX this Wednesday night as part of their 8 year anniversary. They're starting a little earlier then they normally do to accommodate us. It'll be a mixed playlist which has always been good fun in the past, not least because they're a really good bunch of guys. Please click the link and RSVP on the left hand side to give them an idea of numbers. Apologies for not putting this up sooner. @mulder @Mark Verstappen @Warriors-Ten @CatManDoza @JuniorChubb @Paulie @badingaaa
Sports C Class Wednesday 19th January
by SkyeDave- 4 replies
Come join us at short notice this Wednesday while we race cars from the Sports C class. (Thanks to Broughy1322 for the tiers making everyones life easier) There's a mix of new and old school cars in the group and you can race as many different cars on the night as you like. 9F 9F Cabrio Bestia GTS Cypher Flash GT Jester RR Komoda Penumbra FF Raiden Revolter Sentinel Classic Specter Specter Custom Surano V-STR
1979 Rallye De Paleto, Wed 12th January 8PM
by SkyeDave- 14 replies
The Annual Rallye De Paleto will be held this Wednesday 12th January. Where is it? Paleto Bay is a quaint little town in the North of Blaine County, San Andreas. It's Northwest of Paleto Forest and at the foot of Mount Chiliad. It's mixture of great shops and amusements as well as the Procopio Beach making it a great place to visit for the whole family. What is it? Set over 3 gruelling stages totalling more than 35miles the Rallye De Paleto promises to break cars as well as spirits as it winds through the Paleto Forest, Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, Raton Canyon, Cassidy Creek, the Alamo Sea, Mount Josiah and the Grand…
Cont(r)act Racing!
by Mark Verstappen- 4 replies
Cont(r)act Racing! Come and join us on Wednesday the 5th of January at 20:00 UK Time for Cont(r)act Racing! Just turn up to the parking lot of the Golf Club in your favorite released 'The Contract' car. We will determine who has the best car before we start a playlist to determine the best Contract Racer! We will race the currently released cars from the Contact Update with the cars listed below. Each race will feature only one of the cars so we can all try them out equally. The Cars: Astron Buffalo STX Champion Cinquemila Deity Ignus Jubilee Baller ST Zeno …
The Return of the Cat! 1 2
by JuniorChubb- 34 replies
To celebrate the return of Catman (who probably wont even turn up) we have a night of RoofRacks & Saftness! Post below if you are coming out to play and suggest a job that reminds you of our bearded Mexican friend to add to the playlist... We will also tie in some stuff from the new update, especially if it involves Alfa Romeo's and roof racks. Wed 15th Dec 8pm, be there or.... don't be there!
Helmut's American Autos D Muscle
by Mark Verstappen- 3 replies
Helmut's American Autos D Muscle Come and join us on Wednesday the 8st of December at 20:00 UK Time for Helmut's American Autos D Muscle! Just turn up to the parking lot of Helmut's European Autos in Paleto Bay just of U.S. Route 1 in your favorite eligible Muscle Car. We will determine who has the best car before we start a playlist to determine the winner of Helmut's American Autos B Sports! We will race the Burger Shot Stallion, Deviant, Hermes, Phoenix, Redwood Gauntlet, Slamvan Custom, Stallion & Tampa against each other. You can switch the whole night with the cars you want but each car can only be used twice. These cars should be all about the sa…
Daves Motorsport Masterpiece
by JuniorChubb- 13 replies
Sorry guys... not been the best of weeks, got nothing planned right now but hey... that’s no reason to not sign up! I should be online and have something sorted, if not I’ll let you know ASAP!
Mystery Car November 2021
by Mark Verstappen- 5 replies
Come and join us for Mystery Car on Wednesday 17th of November at 20:00 GMT. We will start out in free roam on the soccer field of the track-and-field complex at the University of San Andreas, Los Santos location from where we will have to follow the clues to find the Mystery Car. Once the car is revealed we will all buy it if needed, modify it, then spend the night racing it. The price of the car will be less than $100k so don't worry about having to spend millions to join in. The usual rules will apply, don't bring the emergency services along with you in free roam, don't kill other players, race clean and respect the other racers.... Basically don't be a bell…
Go Kart Race Night
by JuniorChubb- 14 replies
Apparently Go-Karts are here... Come and join us for a night of Go Kart Racing this Wednesday!! Not sure what to expect but I'm sure we will find out, Go Kart Gifs below please...
by Mark Verstappen- 8 replies
ABC 1 Come and join us on Wednesday 3rd of October at 20:00 UK Time for ABC! Just turn up to the parking lot of the Church in Strawberry in any of the 8 ABC 1 cars. We will determine who knows their ABC best before we start a playlist to determine who gets an A+! For all races we will all race one car of the ABC per race from 1 to Z starting with 1 to E this Wednesday. ABC will be hosted sporadically. We wont do all of the nights in succession. Don't worry if you don't own all/any of the cars, we can spawn them in for you. For this week the list of cars is: 190z 8F Drafter 9F (Either one) Adder Bison Cyp…
Night of the Bogey Car!!!
by JuniorChubb- 17 replies
Come and join us for some last minute planned Halloween fun this Wednesday... This Halloween themed night will feature a new racing system called the Bogey Car! We will all pick a different car on the grid, we will elect chose the worse car and elect this to be the bogey car, we will select a few other choices to be known as the 'popular cars'. Whoever won the last race and/or whoever is top of the Playlist will have to race in the bogey car. To rid yourself of the Bogey Car curse all you need to do is not finish last in a race and you can go back to the popular selection again. Best Halloween gif below get pole in the first race!
Rigged Random Car Extravaganza Pt6
by Mark Verstappen- 9 replies
Come and join us on Wednesday 20th of October at 8 PM British time for Part 6 of the Rigged Random Car Extravaganza! After doing the Rigged Random Tier Extravaganza recently I thought it was only fitting (and time) to see what wacky, fast, slow, stupid cars it would give us. After a meet up in free roam east across the water from Bristols (The big t*ts looking buildings 💦) we will launch into a playlist of races where you will only know what car we will be racing each race when we get to the race lobby. Each car is determined by a random generator with a few exclusions like not more than 3 cars from the same class, used recently in an event or often used cars in…
Gamblers Anonymous
by JuniorChubb- 19 replies
Come and join us this Wednesday for a night of racing!! Race points will go out the window as the only thing we will keep track of is the money... Every race will see every racer bet on the outcome, make sure you bring a pencils and some paper to keep track of your gains and losses as the player with the highest cash sum at the end of the night wins, so its go big or go home. Bet as little or as much as you like on each race (every missed bet will cost you cash and grid positioning). You cannot bet on yourself to win. The races will be locked to one car (sorry all my jobs to make things easy) so we don't waste tie picking cars, we can just bet! …
Pfister Tonight!
by Mark Verstappen- 12 replies
Pfister Tonight! Come and join us on Wednesday 6th of October at 20:00 UK Time for Paulie's Night! Just turn up to the front door of the Von Crastenburg Hotel in Morningwood in any Pfister. We will determine who has the best taste in Pfister before we start a playlist to determine who is the Master of Pfisters! For this night we will do all 8 Pfisters once. These are in order... Comet 811 Comet Retro Custom Comet Safari Neon Comet SR Growler Comet S2 Don't worry if you don't own all/any of the Pfisters, we can spawn them in for you. If you own an 811, please let me know with your sign…
Planes Trains and Automobiles
by JuniorChubb- 11 replies
Come and join us this Wednesday night for something involving vehicles of the travelling variety! If it can be raced we will race it... and do other things with it, hopefully things that might stop Mulder from winning because they require more luck than skill. Planes, Trains & Automobiles my dudes. Post a suitable gif below to sign up, best gif gets a prize!
Rigged Random Tier Extravaganza
by Mark Verstappen- 14 replies
Come and join us on Wednesday 22nd August at 20:00 UK Time for the Rigged Random Tier Extravaganza. After a meet up behind 'Bishop's WTF?!' we will launch into a playlist of races where you will only know what class and tier of car you can choose before each race when we get to the race lobbies. A tier is a group of cars in a class all about on the same pace. For example in SUV's one of these is the Granger, Landstalker XL, Rocoto, Seminole Frontier, Serrano, Squaddie & XLS. This should give us a diverse grid of cars maybe not often used while still competitive among eachother. Each tier is determined by a random generator with a few exclusions like skipping…
Night of the Pantoloons Pt2
by JuniorChubb- 7 replies
Come and join us for this nonsense!!! I know I promised you a Top Gear but I am rubbish so have this instead, a night of debauchery in the the official car of the Van Society! Meet at the Vans Clubhouse in your Panto... be there or be a four sided polygon with sides of equal length. Post below to show some kind of interest.
Mystery Car September 2021
by Mark Verstappen- 16 replies
Come and join us for Mystery Car on Wednesday 8th of September at 20:00 GMT. We will start out in free roam at the parking lot in eastern Cypress Flats from where we will have to follow the clues to find the Mystery Car. Once the car is revealed we will all buy it if needed, modify it, then spend the night racing it. The price of the car will be less than $100k so don't worry about having to spend millions to join in. The usual rules will apply, don't bring the emergency services along with you in free roam, don't kill other players, race clean and respect the other racers.... Basically don't be a bellend. Post below to get involved! Verstappen …
Drift Kings 1 2
by JuniorChubb- 30 replies
Come and join us this Wednesday for our Drift Kings night!!! Come along in any car that you are able to fit Drift Tyres to, and make sure you have fitted those drift tyres. We will be running a night of drifting and racing in a low grip environment. Post below to get involved. Photo by serjan midili on Unsplash
Survive the Hunt 2
by Mark Verstappen- 7 replies
Survive the Hunt 2 Come and join us in Survive the Hunt, where the aim is to... Well... survive the hunt! Wednesday 24th of august 20:00 UK time starting from the parking lot of the Maze Bank Arena. What is Survive The Hunt? Essentially, Survive The Hunt is a freeroam game mode where one player is "hunted" by 8+ other players. There is no radar, HUD or name-tags in order to make this a bit more interesting. While there is no set tactic, the most popular and effective one is for the hunted player to "blend in" with the game AI - either on foot or in a car. This means obeying traffic laws, following the road at an AI-ish pace, stopping at traffic lights etc. The…
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