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Arruda AKA Azorean9


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  • 6 months later...

Just came to say "hi" to everyone! Both the ones that remember me, and the ones who joined since I last played. Really miss being around!


It's great to know the crew is still pumping. Solid project all around, one of my most cherished "social" online experiences was joining this thing nearly a year ago.


I don't like the crossing over my name :)


Only reason I stopped playing is because my PS3 blu-ray drive broke. You can be damn sure I'll be back and gunning (in the PS4) if GTA Online is still being played in January '16, when I'll get my first wage. 


I considered buying the online version for my PS3, as it still works with downloadable content, but I'm in real financial trouble at the moment (like most of my country), and I think the PS3 hard drive will break soon as well (had to format it twice in the last month) so it's probably wiser to accept she's on palliative care right now and not waste more money on it. 


There's also the fact that I easily get addicted to this thing, and being just 4 months ago from graduating at University, finishing my dissertation, and fulfilling my life's biggest dream, after several nightmares along the way, it's just best not to change my routines at the moment. Despite the hardships mentioned above, this means I've never been happier. Better late than never!


Would visit the forum more, but damn, it's depressing watching a great lot talking about having fun when I can't join you. Still figured it would be nice to give a word to everyone and check on how you all are doing!

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Hey Arruda, gonna send you a PM and see what we can work out.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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I'm sure we'll all carry on to GTA 6 as well. So don't base it on whether or not we're still playing GTA 5 by that time.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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Good to hear from you Arruda.

I miss our racing. Hope to see you ingame soon (yes 2016 is soon :D)


And Hatch, keep me posted if you and Arruda figure something out :)

Edited by Fido_le_muet
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  • 11 months later...

Hello Everyone!


I'd humbly request to re-join this crew. My PSN ID is now Azorean9 - I'll update my forum profile when I regain the ability to do so.


I'm happy to see that quite a few old-timers are still around, though I guess a new introduction is in order for the ones that don't know me. I'm Arruda, 35, male, from Portugal. Very recently became a doctor. Won't probably be able to play as much as when I was a student, but on the plus side I live alone so no family duties. It will be work, study and crew for the coming months!


It's been a while since I last played GTA. My PS3 broke more than an year ago, and due to the mix of financial troubles with graduation nearing I decided to just stay away from gaming. I started working this year, and as soon as I got my first wage I bought an UltraHD TV, a PS4, GTA V, and a wireless headset, such was the desire to come back and play this. I didn't post earlier because they took quite a while to set me up with an internet connection.


I'm incredibly rusty on this game and will be playing with a new account, which will mean months of grinding until I'm able to get back to my previous level in terms of  vehicles/weapons owned, ability, etc. Doesn't matter to me, as levelling up is one of the things I appreciate more, and since I roleplay a lot I wouldn't enjoy picking up a character whom I barely remember. I'd rather be an underdog in races and such for a longggg time! Best part for me is just having fun with this excellent bunch of people.


I'll be mostly messing with offline these days (just finishing the story) and levelling my online character from zero (haven't set him up yet), but I'll be happy to join any crew events in which a good level of equipment isn't a necessity. I'm also happy to start the vetting process as soon as possible.


I have sent the request to join the crew through Rockstar Social Club as advised.


Cheers. It's great to be back.

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Welcome back, Arruda! Glad you decided to rejoin us and again, welcome to PS4! :D

You made it back just in time for the two year XDBX Anniversary, so you should definitely set up your new character so that you can join us for some of what we have going on this weekend.

Also, we have a pretty in depth calendar full of events these days and there is usually someone online somewhere.


Great to have you back in the crew. Is your RSC the same? I can update your profile here if you would like.

Edited by LN-MLB
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Welcome back. You couldn't have done it at a better time with the coming events this weekend, I hope you have it off as it will be perfect for leveling up your character and making GTA$.

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Welcome back, Arruda! Glad you decided to rejoin us and again, welcome to PS4! :D

You made it back just in time for the two year XDBX Anniversary, so you should definitely set up your new character so that you can join us for some of what we have going on this weekend.

Also, we have a pretty in depth calendar full of events these days and there is usually someone online somewhere.


Great to have you back in the crew. Is your RSC the same? I can update your profile here if you would like.


My RSC is new as well, and it's Azorean9 like my PSN ID. Someone already accepted my crew invite there. If you can, update both that data and my gaming platform on my profile here. Thanks!


Welcome back. You couldn't have done it at a better time with the coming events this weekend, I hope you have it off as it will be perfect for leveling up your character and making GTA$.


Yes, my weekend is off, only working week-days in these first few months. Will be great if I can take part on some of the weekend events, even if just with a pistol and an non-customized Emperor :D

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Welcome back, Arruda!


Awesome to see you back Arruda !

Great to see you made the jump to PS4 as well  :)



Many thanks to you both!

Edited by Arruda
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Welcome back. Just so you are aware, any returning member is required to Re Vett. I'm sure you'll have no problem with that. 


The Vetting Policy is explained in the Crew Policies and Guidelines. Make sure you check them out. You will soon be contacted regarding Vetting by the Vetting Managers.

This website is the Focal Point, and Communication Hub for our Crew. It is an intricate part of how we maintain our integrity. So, Bookmark this website now, and visit it frequently.

Vetting Days are always on Wednesdays. Your 2 weeks period runs from the first Wednesday you are with us until the 3rd Wednesday you are with us. Depending on the day of the week that you became a member, your Vetting may run longer than 2 weeks. The days leading up to your first Wednesday count towards Vetting just like any other would. Your Vetting Period is scheduled to conclude on February 17, 2016.

Vetting starts immediately.

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