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It's a no-brainer to think that R* in RDRO will try to continue to score big on micro-transactions, but just how will they do it in a game that's set in the 1800s and on top of that is placed in a univers that is way more grounded compared to GTA - a world where they've been able to come up with all kinds of expensive shit to sell us. While I often shake my head at the insane prizes, I understand that's what have ensured the longevity of the game. Without people purchasing sharkcards R* would have stopped adding new content long ago. Reason why I really do hope that they'll succeed in grabbing our money in RDRO. But for that they will need to come up with some good shit. 

So what exciting stuff do you think they can/will add to the world? Will they differentiate online from story mode making the world more wacky/crazy, whatever you're gonna call it, in order to being able to add more out-there items? And what could that be?

One thing I think they will do is to follow the lastest trend of GTAO and add lots of million dollar businesses of different kinds.

Edited by Banketelli
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They will sell us businesses, carriages, boats, animals (horses), maybe even trains.

Also weapons, clothes, boots, accessories,

Probably a lot of hunting and/or farming activities.

I think the rewards will be of a lowered amount compared to GTA. IIRC, you only got a few thousand $ in RDR after missions. Money making should be toned down to fit the time period.

Edited by Fido_le_muet
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They will come up with plenty of ways to milk the game :)

I forsee plenty of outlandish items being introduced that will piss some people off but cater to the demographic that R* loves most. 

Many GTA players I have seen don't seem too intetested in the wild west though so this may turn into an enjoyable experience. 

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Trains would be cool. But don't see how it would work. At least not drivable ones. Maybe functioning as yachts in GTA; stationary train carriages as private quarters.


I don't mind some outlandish items but it's a tightrope. Too much and you fuck up the feeling of the game. 

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  On 10/21/2016 at 11:13 AM, Sinister said:


Many GTA players I have seen don't seem too intetested in the wild west though so this may turn into an enjoyable experience. 


Hopefully squeekers!

I only grow in living soil!
Because Fat Buds Matter!


Never played one of these before....what time period do they take place in? Lots of differences between 1800s old west and 1900s old west.

Dynamite, Cannons, Gatling guns and various other weaponry could be very cool. No fighter jets or other OP stuff existed in either period though. 

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  On 10/21/2016 at 10:13 PM, Sinister said:

Never played one of these before....what time period do they take place in? Lots of differences between 1800s old west and 1900s old west.

Dynamite, Cannons, Gatling guns and various other weaponry could be very cool. No fighter jets or other OP stuff existed in either period though. 


Hto air balloons existed, they can be op dropping dynamite on randoms...

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.



The current RDR has all afore mentioned comments detailed, except for owning your own business in online, and having 15+ game modes similar in nature to GTAO. From the looks of the RDR 2 trailer I presumed its from a earlier time, due to a trophy in the current version where you kill all the Buffalo's. The online experience was and is still horrible in the sense of glitches that bogs down the game 80% of the time, but when its working just right its a fun play through with the XDBX Posse. I am mainly interested in watching the story of John Marston's time spent as a gangster.

Edited by Smurf
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