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Phasers, vs, Polaron, vs, Disrupter, vs, etc... What to pick.

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Each type of energy weapon offers a perk of sorts, depending on what you like or are looking for here is a list of weapon types and what they do

This is a perk list, actual damage will depend on rarity and level of the particular weapon selected 


Phaser - 2.5% chance to disable a random subsystem for 5 seconds

Disrupter - 2.5% chance to lower target damage resistance by 10% for 15 seconds

Plasma - 2.5% chance to apply a non-stacking damage-over-time debuff for 15 sec

Polaron: 2.5% chance to reduce all enemy subsystem power levels by 25 for 5 sec

Tetryon: 2.5% chance to deal additional shield damage

Antiproton: +20% critical severity

Proton: 50% chance on critical hit to deal additional damage (100% Shield Penetration)


But what about something like a Phased Poleron? - It will have the perks of a Phaser and Polaron but will on be boosted by Polaron consoles, Same with say Plasma-Disrupter, perks of both but on Disrupter consoles will effect it


I didn't list special stuff like Nanite Disrupters but a complete list can be found here http://sto.gamepedia.com/Ship_weapon note that some of these weapons are not yet in the console version of STO.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


19 hours ago, Lijanor said:

Great read hatched.


Have you identified any weapon combo that would synergies with a science captain geared towards disabling vs dps.

I don't know of a weapons combo that would benefit disabling for a science captain. I think generally weapons are pretty equal for tac, science and engineer and that if you wanted a science based approach then a ship which would allow a science bridge officer to use the commander slot on the skills for that ship then choose abilities that compliment the weapons you choose to use. Example being the the science ability of :Charged Particle Burst" used with Tetryon weapons would do a fair amount of shield damage on the enemy and keep them down which would allow someone who is setup for hull damage to swoop in for the kill. But this is just a guess off my head and assuming you are more in for a support role than an attack role. 

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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