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Ask a random question (please read 1st post)


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Erm, I climbed a tower at a car show when I was 15 and shouted "DAVE!", I guess they were all called dave because they all looked. I wasn't really embarrassed though.

You ever had a skinhead?

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hey im bald as we speak (as old saying goes: head and wisdom dosent fit in same head)


evil, neutral or good? and why

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I am good to the good and evil to the evil and neutral to the neutral...because you get what you give..I am shaved not bald...

Peter Griffin or Homer Simpson?

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Marry ..my life`s hourglass is runing too low so i have got no time to screw around


you are in titan and you must jump with a friend but you have only one parachute, what you do?

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Marry ..my life`s hourglass is runing too low so i have got no time to screw around


you are in titan and you must jump with a friend but you have only one parachute, what you do?

Let my friend take it...my awesomeness will cushion the fall.


What do you call it...coke, soda, pop, tonic?

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screw...marry...kill...pick 3.

Kate Middleton, Kate Middleton, no comment

What do you call it...coke, soda, pop, tonic?


Have any phobias?

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Have any phobias?

now that i have this question to answer it has so much irony value that i could write a book about it..

i have personality disorder, commonly known as Panic Disorder so what is my Phobia?..alot of things xD

but ill just pick one: Dark


You find your wife in bedroom and you know she is cheating on you, but when you open the cabinet door there isnt another man there is a woman,

what is your reaction? (please dont ask where i get these random questions, truth will blow your mind)

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*humming oasis - wonderwall* hmm what? yes sure ill just glue together all of those people who touched my sabre..and died *sinister laugh*


Lets but some gasoline on the fire..



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*hand raised*

To be, or not to be: that is the question, Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer,
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end..


what!...is your favorite color? (ill tip my hat to an person who reconizes this reference)

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Obviously Hamlet




Undiscovered Country 

Hamlet was right but second guess was wrong, *like game show host* but thanks for playing heres your comfort prize: a trevor plushie!

That could be a topic in itself....

Was the reference not monty python?

*tips his hat*

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Anyhoo.... To answer the last question... Christine, love Stephen king, love the book, love the car, love the movie.

What was your first car IRL?

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Ford fiesta popular plus, 957cc engine. POS!

Do you think all electric cars will ever become as popular as internal combustion engined vehicles?

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