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Hey all, I'm Corey, a 23 year old games collector from the good ol' state of California, here looking for a GTA Home after fresh coming to the PS4 version of GTA after playing on the PC for the past three years. I decided to sign up after seeing some interesting videos on channels of apparent members. Looking forward to meeting you all.

Here's basically just a few tidbits about me.


I'm studying to either become a chef, or develop my own video games, and I'm practicing guitar regularly.

Gaming is my biggest passion, and therefore it is what I'm best at, even though generally that isn't very good in terms of personal skill, but hey, all you can do is your best. I try to do well in whatever activity I partake in, and prefer to not give up. I'll try most things once at the very least.

I don't read books too much. As far as movies go, I vastly prefer more action filled stuff, more sci-fi stuff, fantasy stuff, or really gory/really scary stuff. Can't beat a good horror film.

Musically, I vastly prefer rock and metal, however I tend to be able to listen to anything that isn't country. As far as food goes, I love Mexican, Italian, Chinese, and American.

When it comes to TV shows and anime, far too many to name that I enjoy.

but Mystery Science Theater 3000 is both love, and life.


Fun fact: I'm the grandson of a Vietnam Vet.

BONUS Fun Fact: Vice CIty was my first and to date my favorite GTA Game.

(Fawk Yeah, the 80's, am I right? Even though as a big car nut, I liked most of the 70's/60's American Muscle better than the 80's ones.)


ANYWAY, I'm ramblin, so I'll end it here.

Oh, by the way, I do have a politically incorrect brand of humor, but hopefully that won't be  a problem.



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  On 3/2/2017 at 4:10 PM, pete_95973 said:

Welcome!  We need more Californians here!  Well not necessarily Californians but people in the pacific time zone!


I think Tupac said it best when it comes to reppin' the West Coast.

West Coast for Life.

Anyway lol

Looking forward to hopefully joinin' yall.

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Welcome Corey.  I'm one of the managers and I'm sure others have mentioned we have a vetting period for new members. We also ask 4 questions to all new members before sending a crew invite. After you respond I can send an invite on Social Club. Some of these you already answered. 

1. What time zone are you active in? (Ex. East Coast of the US GMT -5)

2. What are some of your goals/reasons for joining a crew?

3. For 2 weeks our tags must remain active (during Vetting), can you abide by this? (Afterwards you can swap at will but we should be your primary)

4. Will you be able to attend at least 1 event and/or game with the crew once per week and visit out site frequently?

3 and 4 are no problem.

as far as 2 goes, my goal is to find a permanent GTA home, like say a second family away from my blood family, you know?

  On 3/2/2017 at 5:37 PM, Fido_le_muet said:

Great intro Corey. Welcome to XDBX !


Thanks ya Frenchman.

I'd give you some bacon but I don't think bacon goes well with french cuisine.

  On 3/2/2017 at 5:48 PM, Cryostatika said:

3 and 4 are no problem.

as far as 2 goes, my goal is to find a permanent GTA home, like say a second family away from my blood family, you know?

Thanks ya Frenchman.

I'd give you some bacon but I don't think bacon goes well with french cuisine.


I'll get you a crew invite sent over on Rockstar social club will help you get with crew members today once you accept. I will also be adding you to a vetting newsletter feel free to look it over and reply with any questions 

  On 3/2/2017 at 6:01 PM, Fido_le_muet said:

Nothing goes with that. Even escargot doesn't go with escargot !


Frog legs are in the same category.


Why do people eat that over there?

I'm an Omnivore and I wouldn't touch Escargot or Frog Legs with a 72 foot pole.

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  On 3/2/2017 at 5:57 PM, Cryostatika said:

I might join your Organised crime thing that starts in a couple hours, but I have no idea what its related to lol


It will begin a bit later than what is predicted and it is mainly free-roam activities, unless we have like a H2H practice or something like that but this event is all about free roam CEO and MC work, you know helping each other with deliveries and all that :)


Please don't be offended, it's a small piece of my mind that I chose to expose...

  On 3/2/2017 at 6:04 PM, Fido_le_muet said:

Frog legs are actually good. Tastes like bacon :D !





  On 3/2/2017 at 6:05 PM, grjkie said:

It will begin a bit later than what is predicted and it is mainly free-roam activities, unless we have like a H2H practice or something like that but this event is all about free roam CEO and MC work, you know helping each other with deliveries and all that :)


Good because I've got MC resupplies and shizz to get done.

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  On 3/2/2017 at 6:01 PM, Cryostatika said:

Not a problem m80 r80.

I'mma accept it as soon as I see it and I'll pop you an add on PSN.


Sounds good it was sent and make sure to check out the calendar and rsvp for any events you want attend. It helps the hosts know what to plan for

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