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Contacts in the Crews: (PSN ID)

DDNL  -  Mr_TSM665

XDBX  -  Lann3fors 

STNC  -  acdc47200 

SOFS. -  Fungaback 

187X  -  cprize 

GTAF  -  Rafs_92 

GRIM  -   Mocro-2008 

NLDD   -   Aerora 




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Season 2 Round 1 starts may 29th.

News for season 2:

Each round will be two weeks (monday-sunday).

There will be created jobs (not only R* and verified), but only within the races. 

At the end of the season there will be a Playoff.

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We would like to introduce the idea of a open practice playlist to be held once within every round.

The playlist could be slightly modified if needed to accommodate more players, or just have two simultaneous hosts. But with some sort of a rsvp funktion in place I think we could work that out easily

It would be open to all crewmembers in the participating crews and hopefully fit well in with the friendly and mature atmosphere of the Clash.


Any thoughts on this?

@ti_jo0104 @Houtworm @acdc_sw @FungaBack @cprize187 @JuniorChubb @Ayush



(picture by https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/alex_ane90)

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Today is the day!  Before the schedule and (a bit later) the playlist is published i want to let you guys know about the 8th crew.

Due to the preference of quality over quantity,  and since DDNL won season 1, we all have the privilege of facing a completely separate second team from DDNL.

Players in DDNL are only allowed to be part of one these crews.

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Clairification in place from today.

If a player breaks the rules by wearing a helmet in a combat job, calling Lester or breaking any rule there will be a warning. If it happens twice the player will no longer play in Clash of the Crews and any points gained by the specific player will be removed from the crews score. No exceptions due to excuses like "he did it first" will be accepted. If you see someone not following the rules just save a video.

As the crew leader you need to communicate this. Players should make sure they have an appropriate outfit on (without helmets) before joining PL. Then if you notice anyone wearing it in the pre-pl lobby, send them a friendly reminder. 

Disconnections or any sudden need to leave can happen. Of course you need to try and get another member in. But intentionally switching players during the playlist is not allowed. 

We had very little issues with players not being able to follow these simple rules in season 1, and when we did it was never a problem to handle and we did not see any players repeatedly doing it. If we run into any issues where we feel our judgement as both host and participating crew could be questioned we will ask VANS to step in a external judge (VANS was in season 1). 

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Contacts in the Crews: (PSN ID)

NLDD  -  Aerora 

XDBX  -  Lann3fors 

STNC  -  acdc47200 

SOFS. -  Fungaback 

187X  -  cprize 

GTAF  -  Rafs_92 


DDNL   -  Mr_TSM665 


(added to OP)

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Playlist S02R02


The "hide blip" losing perk

The "Hide blip" losing perk is broken, it remains hidden longer than the expected 30 seconds and from my understanding for the entire job. Please do not use this perk at all until it is fixed, if ever. This can be abused by getting the perk on purpose and we see no other way than to implement this rule. It will be treated like any other rule. If you hit it by mistake, let it be known and go away from the TDM area until it returns. Your teammates will be able to let you know if its hidden or not. You may have to stay away for the entire job. The rule can be monitored by watching the last part of the game when all blips are to be visible, and if the perk is used it will remain hidden even then.

We have somewhere between 3 and 6 TDM's left in season 2 i would estimate.

Edited by Lann
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