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So, the upcoming game in the acclaimed Fallout series from Bethesda that isn't single-player like the previous games in the series, but a full multiplayer experience instead (an online survival RPG). When they introduced it at E3 this year, I immediately thought of this game as another potential main game for us. Now, I haven't played any of the Fallout games myself yet, but they've been on my "shopping list" for years now and I know the series is widely loved. From what I've seen and read about this entry, I'm very interested in this game to say the least. Anyway, check out the E3 reveal yourself:



Some questions about the game are kind of answered in the video below:


There's tons of videos about the game that are speculative for the most part, so more info and answers to important questions can be expected in the coming months as we near the November release date and once the beta goes live. All I know is that we wouldn't have to worry about griefers so much since we always have each others backs. ;)

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I want this to have expanded the settlement building side of things, as that is what kept me playing F4 after completing the storyline. I want this to be almost like wasteland Minecraft.

If Elder Scrolls Online is any measure to go by, this is probably going to have a crushing grind to it's progression. Doing that for guns and armour with marginally better numbers on them probably won't be enough to keep me interested. But if that grind is to facilitate the building of a manor house and township... very yes!

Edited by The_Lady_A
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

QuakeCon has come and gone and they did answer a lot of important questions there it seems!

Watched this video that has all the info from QuakeCon, including all about Private Servers, PvP, Perks, Mods, Levels, Mutations, Creatures and more:


I'm even more excited to play this now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a lot of info released already so I've gathered points that may be interesting / exciting :) 


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Edited by Danielle
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  • 2 months later...

So, is anyone here playing this game? If so, do you like it.....at all ?

Reviewers and players are pretty much saying the game is a broken pile of camel dung with no redeeming qualities. 

If you all agree with that, I’m saving my money. My son likes it but kids today have a low bar when it comes to games.

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I really wanted to get this, but the "no NPCs" thing had me concerned that the world would feel quite empty. That's why I didn't pre-order. I was gonna just wait till launch and check out the reviews. And that's why I still haven't bought it. 

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Hmm I'm not impressed so far, its not broken - I think that's the PC version. It definitely feels empty which I don't like... that paired with the timing it just wasn't good for me. It would be fun with a group of 4 I think, I'll probably just wait until we can host our own modded servers and get it on PC then if they fix it. The building was a massive part of FO4 for me and it's just not the same on 76.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Far as I know it is still the same piece of shit that everyone crucified when it came out.

It's on sale for a reason.

That said, everyone enjoys different things. Folks are raving about RDR2 but after finishing the main story I'm left feeling....it was ok, I guess.

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So, I went ahead and got this, and I'm loving it so far. Several hours in and nearly level 15, and I haven't really noticed any major bugs. There was one time I was being attacked by an invisible mole rat, but I just swung my axe towards the red dot and eventually killed it. There's tons to keep me busy. Main story, side  quest, public events, daily quests, oh my. Been teaming up with randoms, and they actually seem competent. Who knew? 

Personally, I think it's great, but I'm also a huge Fallout fan. 

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  • 5 months later...

This is free to play until the 17th.

There was a couple of things mentioned at E3 - Nuclear Winter, Vault 51 needs an overseer and you have to compete with 51 other players to be the last man standing. Yup. Battle Royale. Now I'm not usually interested in those but this trailer looks awesome.



Even more exciting... Human NPCs! Coming Fall 2019. I think this is what ruined it for me. FO4 had so many interesting people to talk to so I will definitely give FO76 another go. It seems like they are really listening to the feedback. All DLCs and updates are free.


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