Protocawl 2,971 Posted June 30, 2018 Share Posted June 30, 2018 So, the upcoming game in the acclaimed Fallout series from Bethesda that isn't single-player like the previous games in the series, but a full multiplayer experience instead (an online survival RPG). When they introduced it at E3 this year, I immediately thought of this game as another potential main game for us. Now, I haven't played any of the Fallout games myself yet, but they've been on my "shopping list" for years now and I know the series is widely loved. From what I've seen and read about this entry, I'm very interested in this game to say the least. Anyway, check out the E3 reveal yourself: Some questions about the game are kind of answered in the video below: There's tons of videos about the game that are speculative for the most part, so more info and answers to important questions can be expected in the coming months as we near the November release date and once the beta goes live. All I know is that we wouldn't have to worry about griefers so much since we always have each others backs. 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Danielle 3,007 Posted June 30, 2018 Share Posted June 30, 2018 Ive already pre ordered it. Cannot wait!!! 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LimeGreenLegend 4,319 Posted June 30, 2018 Share Posted June 30, 2018 I’ll probably get this. I didn’t enjoy Fallout 4 nearly as much as New Vegas, one of my favourite games of all time, but I did enjoy the base building aspects. But any game is great with great people 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JuniorChubb 3,360 Posted June 30, 2018 Share Posted June 30, 2018 Looks like it could be real good fun, fingers crossed you can play as a group away from random trolls... Actually considering getting this on launch. 2 Quote Can you smell what the Stone is cooking? Expand Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Lady_A 1,280 Posted July 1, 2018 Share Posted July 1, 2018 (edited) I want this to have expanded the settlement building side of things, as that is what kept me playing F4 after completing the storyline. I want this to be almost like wasteland Minecraft. If Elder Scrolls Online is any measure to go by, this is probably going to have a crushing grind to it's progression. Doing that for guns and armour with marginally better numbers on them probably won't be enough to keep me interested. But if that grind is to facilitate the building of a manor house and township... very yes! Edited July 1, 2018 by The_Lady_A 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Protocawl 2,971 Posted July 22, 2018 Author Share Posted July 22, 2018 Pete Hines, VP and face of PR at Bethesda, has hinted that the next batch of information about Fallout 76 will be revealed at QuakeCon 2018, Aug 9th. Hopefully most questions about the game will be answered then. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Protocawl 2,971 Posted August 24, 2018 Author Share Posted August 24, 2018 QuakeCon has come and gone and they did answer a lot of important questions there it seems! Watched this video that has all the info from QuakeCon, including all about Private Servers, PvP, Perks, Mods, Levels, Mutations, Creatures and more: I'm even more excited to play this now! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Danielle 3,007 Posted September 5, 2018 Share Posted September 5, 2018 (edited) There is a lot of info released already so I've gathered points that may be interesting / exciting Friends / Other Players Reveal hidden contents The cap is 24 players per game, and 4-player squads. However, Bethesda implied that it's possible that the limit may be raised for special servers some time down the road. You can fast travel to your teammates. The team leader can queue up a mission, which every party member sees and can engage in if they so choose You won't do much damage to another player until they fire back at you. When a bullet exchange is made, the duel is officially underway, and your next shot will do full damage. Victors receive a cap reward based on their level. If you lose and feel like you can fare better next time, you can seek revenge for double the reward. If someone kills you, yet you never engaged in combat, they appear on your map as a red star. Everybody sees them, and they have a bounty on their head. The bounty comes out of their own caps. When you are taking part in group events, PVP is OFF. If you accidentally hit someone with a stray bullet outside of event zones and don't want to trigger PVP, you can wave a pacifist flag to shut it down. Building Reveal hidden contents You can build harvesters to harvest special resources near your camp, like aluminium deposits. If you're playing in a group, the four players can connect their camps together so they can form bigger settlements, but after a player logs out their segment will be gone with them. Technically speaking, if all the players in the server somehow coordinate to build their camps together, they actually can. There are public settlements that are bigger and offer more resources, but are also raided by battalions of hostile mobs. You can build your home almost anywhere, but you will gain more benefits placing it near a resource deposit. If you gain enough and want to move your C.A.M.P, the game automatically blueprints everything you made, allowing you to pick it up and move it wherever you want. Other players can do your camp harm, but since you have that blueprint, you can easily rebuild it exactly the same. You also don't have to fear what happens to your settlement when you log off the game. Your C.A.M.P magically vanishes from the world at the exact second your character does. The camp building will be familiar to Fallout 4 in terms of conduits, generators etc. "We had one test, where a dozen people built their camps next to each other and created an enormous city". C.A.M.Ps can be grouped together to create a larger building space even with those not in your group. Each player builds one home base, but there are also public workshop spaces that you'll come across. These have lots of supplies but are attacked by waves of enemies. These are temporary, once you log off it is no longer yours. Gameplay Reveal hidden contents The Overseer left the vault before everyone else. The main quest is long, longer than in other games because it takes you across the entire map, and at the end the player is expected to be of a higher level. The quest finale has to do with launching your first nuclear bomb. After that you can search for access codes for other nuclear silos. Similarly to Skyrim, some quests are immediately given to a player when they approach a location or point of interest. For example, you come close to a mine, and a quest pops up telling you to explore the mine. The goal is to have the player full of tasks as soon as possible. Again, this design philosophy is similar to the "gamey" approach Bethesda took with Skyrim. The map is divided into six regions, but even the regions are divided into level zones. The Cranberry Bogs offer the most difficult areas in the game (aside from the radiation-generated zones that the player creates using nuclear warfare). The game does scale with the player that enters a zone, but it's in favor of the world, not the player. What that means is that if a level 40 player enters a zone, the world will be around level 40-60. However, the game does have some levers in place for solo players to succeed as well. There is no dialogue in the game and your character is voiceless. The NPC robots still speak, and you can still barter with some of them, but no "real" dialogue trees or choices. There are side quests as well as new world events in which PvP is turned off. These world events are more geared towards groups, and as such everyone in the server will get them. You can fast travel to them. An example of an event is a mission where you need to escort a group of robots to different locations, and they will make comments on the locations you take them to. If they're alive at the end you get a reward. World events give some of the best loot in the game. There will be hundreds of perk cards available on release, but Bethesda is planning to add even more in the future, as well as themed-cards (probably for Holidays and the like). Perk packs are given each 5 levels and cannot be purchased with real money. Not all robot NPCs are generic vendors or fillers. There are some actual characters in the game with defined personas, but no details were given. Regardless, they are not the focus of the game. As the map is four times the size of Fallout 4, it's less dense with a bigger focus on distance between points of interests. However, it is still more packed with content than any other Bethesda game. "It has a scary amount of content", said the game lead, Jeff Gardiner. You can now pick up Power Armor frames in your inventory after you run out of battery in your fusion core. Aside from thirst and famine, you also need to watch out for radiation and toxic air You can completely alter your hair, skin and facial features at any time. You must eat and drink to survive. Food rots over time and your gear degrades and must be repaired. Rads are different and cause mutations. The higher your rad count, the greater the odds that you'll get a mutation. They're like traits from Fallout 2, where you get a buff to one thing, and a penalty to something else. They can be cured if you don't like them, and in the late-game you can become permanently mutated if there's one you really like. Most mutations are stat or gameplay changes, but some are visual. Perk cards completely replace the perk chart from Fallout 4. Every single time you level up, you take a new perk card. Perk cards are divided among the primary SPECIAL attributes, and you can have a limited number active at one time. You can swap your active cards out whenever you want, and can share them with other players in your group. This incentives coordination in groups, where you can specialise to work well when grouped up. One person in your group might be focused on survival stuff like crafting and cooking, somebody might be geared up for combat, another might be specced into building great defences for your settlement, and the last might be built as a medic to heal other players. Crafting Reveal hidden contents Crafting is a big part of the game. You'll be able to craft guns, mods, ammo, food, armour, power armour etc. Everything that you could craft in Fallout 4 and way more. They want you hunting down rare materials to craft that next big item. You will be able to sell items you craft to other players. You can spec into cooking and make valuable food that other players might be willing to pay for. For crafting food, you find recipes all over the world to unlock new stuff to make. There are "orders of magnitude" more recipes in 76 than Fallout 4, and a lot of the items you craft are +/-. One food might make you more susceptible to disease, but give you a huge health buff. Nukes Nukes Nukes! Reveal hidden contents Nukes are endgame content that require you to play through the games story and complete repeatable quests to find the launch codes. The story there is that the Scorchbeasts are crawling up out of the ground, and you can seal the fissures with nuclear strikes. They are hard to access and will not be used constantly by tons of players. Nukes are NOT A GRIEFING DEVICE. Their function is to create high level areas wherever you want on the map, and you are actively encouraged to do this in non-populated areas, because you want to be the first one in there to plunder them. If you stay too long, you die. The legendary item system returns, and places you nuke are excellent places to farm legendary items. Eventually, the nuked area will return to it's pre-nuked state. Depending on where you nuke, you'll find different things inhabiting the area, because areas have different flora and fauna. Edited September 5, 2018 by Danielle 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sinister 2,583 Posted November 18, 2018 Share Posted November 18, 2018 So, is anyone here playing this game? If so, do you like all ? Reviewers and players are pretty much saying the game is a broken pile of camel dung with no redeeming qualities. If you all agree with that, I’m saving my money. My son likes it but kids today have a low bar when it comes to games. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeaD_GooN 1,312 Posted November 19, 2018 Share Posted November 19, 2018 I really wanted to get this, but the "no NPCs" thing had me concerned that the world would feel quite empty. That's why I didn't pre-order. I was gonna just wait till launch and check out the reviews. And that's why I still haven't bought it. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crawford1872 2,587 Posted November 19, 2018 Share Posted November 19, 2018 Red Dead is in the way atm...bought this but will most likely save it for the future when it's gone through a few patches Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Danielle 3,007 Posted November 19, 2018 Share Posted November 19, 2018 Hmm I'm not impressed so far, its not broken - I think that's the PC version. It definitely feels empty which I don't like... that paired with the timing it just wasn't good for me. It would be fun with a group of 4 I think, I'll probably just wait until we can host our own modded servers and get it on PC then if they fix it. The building was a massive part of FO4 for me and it's just not the same on 76. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smurf 948 Posted November 29, 2018 Share Posted November 29, 2018 If you're an, Aussie or rather have an Aussie account. You can get your refund if your not satisfied with the current state of the game. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeaD_GooN 1,312 Posted December 25, 2018 Share Posted December 25, 2018 Noticed this is on sale right now. Anyone know if there have been any improvements? It's tempting me. I love the lore! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sinister 2,583 Posted December 25, 2018 Share Posted December 25, 2018 (edited) Far as I know it is still the same piece of shit that everyone crucified when it came out. It's on sale for a reason. That said, everyone enjoys different things. Folks are raving about RDR2 but after finishing the main story I'm left was ok, I guess. Edited December 25, 2018 by SINISTER120 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeaD_GooN 1,312 Posted December 31, 2018 Share Posted December 31, 2018 So, I went ahead and got this, and I'm loving it so far. Several hours in and nearly level 15, and I haven't really noticed any major bugs. There was one time I was being attacked by an invisible mole rat, but I just swung my axe towards the red dot and eventually killed it. There's tons to keep me busy. Main story, side quest, public events, daily quests, oh my. Been teaming up with randoms, and they actually seem competent. Who knew? Personally, I think it's great, but I'm also a huge Fallout fan. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Danielle 3,007 Posted June 11, 2019 Share Posted June 11, 2019 This is free to play until the 17th. There was a couple of things mentioned at E3 - Nuclear Winter, Vault 51 needs an overseer and you have to compete with 51 other players to be the last man standing. Yup. Battle Royale. Now I'm not usually interested in those but this trailer looks awesome. Even more exciting... Human NPCs! Coming Fall 2019. I think this is what ruined it for me. FO4 had so many interesting people to talk to so I will definitely give FO76 another go. It seems like they are really listening to the feedback. All DLCs and updates are free. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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