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The buccaneer is awesome! Pretty easily found on grove street. Just watch out for the gang bangers when you steal it, One of my favorites and the fastest top speed according to stats out of the muscle category. I've been searching for the Mañana apparently supposed to be around the southeast industrial sector I just can't find it.


You Want Peace, Prepare For War

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Sweet thanks dodge, sent you a friend request. Managed to round up a peyote but I had to get off. Also garages a felon GT if anyone is looking for one or needs a quick 9500

You Want Peace, Prepare For War

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I used to have a Manana, but sold it awhile back.  Fun car and looks great.  Anyway, I saw quite a few last night, and often see them somewhere around the docks or around that same Grove Streetish area.


Love the Buccaneer though, and I won't be getting rid of that anytime soon.  It's hard to race it, but it sure is fun to drive.


If I see more Mananas though, I'll let you know.

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My 2nd character has a Manana. Next time you are online, join my room and Ill bring it out. Maybe one will spawn.

I used to have a Manana, but sold it awhile back.  Fun car and looks great.  Anyway, I saw quite a few last night, and often see them somewhere around the docks or around that same Grove Streetish area.


Love the Buccaneer though, and I won't be getting rid of that anytime soon.  It's hard to race it, but it sure is fun to drive.


If I see more Mananas though, I'll let you know.

No worries guys. bomber helped me track one down one

Yesterday in no time at all so the search is over but thanks brothers.

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  • 2 months later...

Has anyone found a Schwartzer on PS4?



Just a car enthusiast; Because racecar





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If anyone sees a Dubster on ps3 please invite me to lobby. Ive been trying to get one for 3 days now, cant get em to spawn in the location they're supposed to. 


Why cant we buy this car online? strange , is it that rare?

Edited by kortniechan
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Thank you a Dubsta has been acquired , i think Dodge was the one? 

Well now the arduous task to get a customised dubster to spawn starts. I have been hanging out at the spawn location for ever and switched lobbies a couple times with no luck to get this bad boy. it seems that when i'm not driving the dub dubs seem to spawn everywhere? wtf lol


This is a hard car to get ahold of. I thought if i was driving a dubsta the custom one would spawn easy but i haven't seen a glimpse of one yet. 

Has anyone else been able to get the fully customized dubber to spawn? Any tips tricks?

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I'm not 100% sure but I think that it only spawns on ps4 and Xbox one versions

I  dont think this is true, ive seen videos for the dubster spawn location for a long time now. im pretty sure it will spawn just a rare one. 

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well looks like you might be right i checked the dates and there are no older videos. :( wtf rockstar?

oh well then ill sell my plain jane dubsta then , don't need it anymore . 

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I don't if it is only for PS4 and Xbox1 but the only location I was able to find them was by the house with the construction ramp in front of it and if you go left when you leave that house, that intersection between 0800 and 2000. There were times that I would put my spawn location to last location and go to a new session and it would appear. I would have added a map but I can't find a good one, sorry.


Also they don't spawn for me that often so I go after the Sentinel XS. I always see those. Between 2200-0400, go North on Milton Road and left on West Eclipse blvd, it will be driving somewhat slow but you should be able to spot it. It will either be blurple or yellow. I've been on bikes and cars and it always spawned regardless. And if it doesn't, go around that area a few times and it should spawn. But again, I don't know if it works on PS3/360.

Edited by GeraldPhoenix



Just a car enthusiast; Because racecar





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: NORMAL : 'A GIFT and a CURSE' : FIRE :


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What are these numbers your spouting out? are there coords on the map i haven't noticed before? I havent even noticed street sign! you ps4 people with your superior resolutions. lol

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What are these numbers your spouting out? are there coords on the map i haven't noticed before? I havent even noticed street sign! you ps4 people with your superior resolutions. lol

he's talking 24hour time.

You Want Peace, Prepare For War

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Lol :D that's in-game time. The 2 streets are in Vinewood, Eclipse Blvd is in front of the Eclipse Towers apts. When you look at the map and zoom in, it shows the street names. I notice small details like that, lol.

Edited by GeraldPhoenix



Just a car enthusiast; Because racecar





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: NORMAL : 'A GIFT and a CURSE' : FIRE :


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