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Pete’s XDBX Bachelor Party

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Date of Event: Friday April 5th

Time of Event in UTC: Approximately midnight (Friday night/Saturday morning) - 8pm’ish eastern time Friday night  

 Does Event Repeat: No

Event Host: Pete

Amount of Players Allowed: 16

Special Rules for Event: Usual XDBX rules -except targeting of Pete in combat is highly encouraged and dirty racing okay if it is to take Pete out 


Description of Event: A mixed playlist of my favorite jobs taking place less than 24 hours before my wedding. Omar and I will be hanging out playing on two consoles and two TVs in the same room. The time is approximate right now— I’m getting married the next day—and I may not know the exact starting time until a day or two before. Hope you can join me for my last playlist as a free, single man ?

Pete’s XDBX Bachelor Party
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Start time is still a go.  Possible it could run 15-30 mins late depending on the rehearsal and final prep, but I don't think so.  I will post in the shoutbox if there are any delays.  You guys just warm up the strip club for me and try not to kill everyone!

Edited by pete_95973
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26 minutes ago, pete_95973 said:

try not to kill everyone!

The strippers will survive, I make no promise about anyone else..


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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


Only five spots left.  @LimeGreenLegend you said you wanted to attend.  That was before we had RSVPs.  Just a heads up in case you still plan on playing.

Just a warning...The playlist will be a mix and will have some air and land racing but there will be a good amount of combat...because...well its my party! :)

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