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Red Dead Online Free Roam Night

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Date of Event: Sunday 30th of June

Time of Event in UTC: 8pm 

Does Event Repeat: No

If Event Repeats/How Often: 

Event Host: Banketelli

Amount of Players Allowed: 30

Special Rules for Event:

Description of Event: 

First we'll meet up in the slums of Saint Denis for some bare-knuckle boxing. Dress to suit the occasion.


After that we'll spread out and round up some carts for a bit of racing. No shooting each other or the poor innocent horses but other than that consider it a good old GTA Race. Follow the road as much as possible to ensure mayhem.


Once we have found a winner (and a bunch of losers)  we will go with Dj's idea and split into posses for some posse vs. posse.

It should also be a good opportunity to get some crew photos taken. Again, feel free to post if you have any ideas.

Of course, all of this will happen in a public lobby, and I'm sure we will attract the attention from some randoms. Unless they straight up attack, I'll encourage everyone to let them come in to see what the hell is going on. Maybe they will join in on the fun. Maybe they will decide to try and fuck it all up. Either way, it should be good. 

Red Dead Online Free Roam Night


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Free Roam Action - 6/30










Full Stream: 

Highlights - 00:1:53 [NPC dragged by wagon welcomes me to St. Denis], 00: 2:47 [Me & my torso get run over], 00:6:28 [ @Potato leads the chase], 00:18:50 [wagon race], 00:21:16 [ @Banketelli makes horse spoon a man], 00:22:40 [train ride begins], 00:40:50 [Conductor @Beez Ticket Collector Banks], 00:43:50 [Guess who the killer is], 00:52:16 [Hideout #1], 00:55:54 [bridge fall lasso fails], 1:00:50 [Spud almost saves my life with his lasso], 1:02:00 [Pinata Spud], 1:02:50 [Pinata Con], 1:14:20 [Conductor @Dodge], 1:15:22 [Foggy train stop], 1:18:22 [Hideout #2], 1:22:30 [nice night train ride], 1:46:25 [ @Smurf makes random pay], 1:47:10 [Con gets some], 1:52:09 [Con vs random].

Edited by Con
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