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Tips For Deathmatches?


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The headshot (flick) is a practice makes perfect deal. You have to get used to doing it. There's no way to teach someone how to do it. Flick the R3 down to aim high, and shoot. You'll figure it out. Watch Alchemic_Ink and Danielle in DM's, they are some of the best DMers Ive ever played against. Watch how they move, use cover, roll. G37 said its a lot of Luck. This is true, but I think putting yourself in a better position for luck to shine on you is more important.

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Another thing I like to do is when I'm in cover I'll wait for someone to get close before shooting, if you shoot as soon as you see them they have a chance to run behind something / roll etc. - if you wait they don't expect it.

Patience, grasshopper  : NINJA :



Maybe Banketelli has some advice, he's crazy fast at headshots.

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I do feel like i often get taken down with a headshot after putting about 10 in their chest.

Same here.


Great topic and advice. Danielle's advice on patience is also one I need to practice more. That and having better situational awareness.

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I actually have had the same problems as you Lann at the beginning, and was quite pissed after emptying a mag in someone's chest without killing them.

I felt that every enemy just needed one shot at me and couldn't understand what was happening.


Don't remember who told me about the flip a while ago, but that has helped me allot, It's a long way from perfect but I feel it's getting better for each DM.

I also just have started trying out the rolling, can't stand it but everybody does it, its like the "kangaroo" jumping back in the CS days, annoying as hell but quite effective when you can use it.

I actually had a few good duels with Smoggy the last games, and this is a big step for me, because his been superior against me earlier ;)


Just take your time and try it out, and I'll promise you it wont take to long before you feel the difference. 


The last thing I did was changing my aim to complex in the settings, now I can actually see where I'm aiming. :D

Edited by RO9M
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The inability to use cover effectively is my problem. I have near zero patience. I feel the need to run and gun all the time. When I used to play COD, I was always a rusher. I only used pistols and knives, and never stood still, EVER. Constantly running. While that works well for me in COD, it does not work at all for me in GTA. Once I learn to shake that 'hurry up and kill' mentality, I should see a drastic improvement, and I'll be a cold blooded, methodical, efficient killer.

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I am just the terminator with my huge k/d ratio. Lol It is around .75. I like most have the problem of run and gun. That theory gets you killed ALOT however leads to good and bad days. Mostly bad however I can't be a camper or stay under cover to long because my attention wavers and I get killed from behind.

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I am just the terminator with my huge k/d ratio. Lol It is around .75. I like most have the problem of run and gun. That theory gets you killed ALOT however leads to good and bad days. Mostly bad however I can't be a camper or stay under cover to long because my attention wavers and I get killed from behind.

The only thing you cant do is shoot racing in the head. For whatever reason, it takes a few headshots to get him down in a pistol match.

Damn Glitchers!!!  :lol:

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Another thing I like to do is when I'm in cover I'll wait for someone to get close before shooting, if you shoot as soon as you see them they have a chance to run behind something / roll etc. - if you wait they don't expect it.

Patience, grasshopper  : NINJA :



Maybe Banketelli has some advice, he's crazy fast at headshots.


I wish I had something fancy to write, but as already mentioned it all comes down to that flick and your reaction time. The more DM's you play while practicing the flick, the better you become. I haven't played a crazy amount of DM's in GTA, but I did do that in the Red Dead days, where headshots were even more crucial. Back then I used to practice the flick a lot.


And yes, the combat roll looks ridiculous, but is a necessary evil. If you aren't doing that, start and you'll feel an improvement almost right away.

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Trying to soak up all this knowledge too. DM's are the reason I avoid PL's most of the time (all of the time), I am just completely useless at it. I gotta get in there more and work on some of this stuff.

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You learn best when being destroyed by the best. Thats how I learned. I really didnt get better at DM's until Alchemic-Ink was in my Vetting PL. Every DM we were in, he was on the other team. PvP K/D Ratio was ridiculous. He beat me something like 13-2 for the PL. After that, I started learning how to defend myself better. Then started working on my attack moves. If you want to get better at PvP Combat, you need to run in our PL's. We have some pure ludicrous talent in this crew when comes to PvP Combat.




Just look at our Win/Loss records here. are all against other crews. So our guys are going against some the best in other organized crews, and still hand delivering ass-whoopins. 

Edited by Dodgeservice
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Trying to soak up all this knowledge too. DM's are the reason I avoid PL's most of the time (all of the time), I am just completely useless at it. I gotta get in there more and work on some of this stuff.

I used to be the same but someone (shan't say who) told me to grow a set! Now I join in and am starting to really enjoy it even thought I'm shit. It frustrates me that I'm shit but I get over it pretty fast. I do however feel heartfully sorry for the team that ends up with me on it!

My problems are many. When I roll I forget to shoot, when I shoot I forget to roll. I run out of ammo constantly and have a dreadful habit of running around pickups but not actually picking anything up. I get shot from behind a LOT and my face is a magnet for pistol butts.

But, at least I know to wear flat shoes now so I can creep up on people before they kill me! :-)

Edited by Casey
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I used to be the same but someone (shan't say who) told me to grow a set! Now I join in and am starting to really enjoy it even thought I'm shit. It frustrates me that I'm shit but I get over it pretty fast. I do however feel heartfully sorry for the team that ends up with me on it!

My problems are many. When I roll I forget to shoot, when I shoot I forget to roll. I run out of ammo constantly and have a dreadful habit of running around pickups but not actually picking anything up. I get shot from behind a LOT and my face is a magnet for pistol butts.

But, at least I know to wear flat shoes now so I can creep up on people before they kill me! :-)

Story of my GTAO life to a tee. Especially feeling sorry for whoever ends up with me on their team! :)

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+1 Casey & BrianM


I just get in there an try. No way to get better without doing it plus it feels so good when I do get one of the "Dead-eyes."


When the match is winding down and my team is winning or close I hunker down and try extra hard to stay alive.

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I used to be the same but someone (shan't say who) told me to grow a set!

+1 for this.


Dont feel bad about being on a team. Nobody is upset about who is on their team. I'm usually good for a 1-1 K/D Ratio on a normal night. Everyone picks on me about being on their team. Its not because they dont want me on their team. Its because Ive made a Core Group of friends here, and we pick on each other constantly.


So, by all means, Grow A Set!

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People have really covered some other very good points that definitely deserve mention.


I think trying to set maybe a goal isn't a bad idea either. Like Dodge said, a 1.00 K/D in a T/DM is good. It may seem low but look at it this way: it's a 1 for 1 thing, you don't hurt a team at all.


Another thing is, don't let anyone try to convince you a certain play style is WRONG, well, obviously besides running in the middle of the field like a mad man every time and expecting to walk away a champ. What I mean is some people are so set on certain modes of play and the two most common are known as "run and gun" and "camping". Neither are wrong. Both offer their pros and their cons.


Some people (one of the H2Hs we played) they literally tried to chastise us because we wouldn't play their run and gun game. This is basically a method of being in mostly constant motion, using cover and advancing quickly. They will also tell you roof tops are for "pussies". Then there's obviously camping where you're more patient and move slowly, often staying behind cover.


Neither is wrong, use a combination of both. Make use of the terrain and cover as well. I've definitely noticed since I've joined that everyone has improved. I definitely, have not lol.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I think this should be renamed 'Deathmatch tips' and put in Cotick's help section. I've already seen big improvements with Ronny and Zmurko and it would be a shame for the thread to get lost :)

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Hey hey hey there! We have always been this "good" We have just been slacking around so others could bath in the fountain of glory, Isn't that right Zmurko :lol:

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You didn't tell me about this fountain of glory thing. Maybe I should bathe there, bathing in the shower of shit is obviously where I have been going wrong!! :-D

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Hey hey hey there! We have always been this "good" We have just been slacking around so others could bath in the fountain of glory, Isn't that right Zmurko :lol:


:lol: Well, I have my bright moments occasionaly, most of the time I just keep reading messages like "Dani_elle sniped you", "Banketelli oblitared you", "Vanweeeezy is dominating you", "vishesh_91 shot you" ... :lol:

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Does that also happen when on a losing streak? The filters annoyed the hell out of me for the first long while, but I don't really notice it anymore.

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Never been on a losing streak Banks? :lol:

I think it's actually darker and more grey for the losing streaks and red for kill streaks, maybe green for BST, I never really have that one.

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