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Tips For Deathmatches?


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Plenty. Especially in melees. :lol: Just never noticed any change. To be fair, I'm usually pretty pissed off when it happens and just sprint after the first blip I see on the minimap.  


I think I can count one hand the times I've picked up BST.

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do a survival with auto aim off. This helps you aim for the head. It has made me a better DM player. 

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"You have enemies? good, that means you stood up for something in your life"


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Does anyone have some tips on how to target faster? Seems like most of my deaths are while I'm still trying to line up targets. Especially when crouched, the view turns so slowly. I was spectating another player last night, and he seemed to be able to spin around 180 very easily while crouched. Any suggestions from you skilled DMers?

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Aim sensitivity helps. Of course I've never played with it from either extreme (lowest or highest setting). Might be something to check out and I'm sure it also applies to NPCs. I think mine is a notch above default? I think I'm at 10? Honestly can't remember.


If you have your weapon drawn (firing position) you can tap I think it's R3, this will cause your character to perform a 180 degree turn. It doesn't exactly work when crouched or behind cover. However you can sort of roll when you're crouched/behind cover if you use your controller to "move away" from the wall and perform a roll, sort of looks like a 180.


Another thing I like to do is tap L1 often when moving (just helps with reaction timing and might put you in a marginally better position to get the draw first if someone pops up). This also helps when you know someone's on your map but you cannot visually see them, it might just lock on to them.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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Sometimes "GTA Traditional" aim setting will do that. It will lock you oto something nearby that isnt in your field of view...which is why I dont use it. "AIM -ASSIST" seems to only lock onto things within a certain "cone" of where you are pointing the camera view at. How big is that cone? i have no idea, but it isn't a very wide cone. Seems to be less than 45 degrees in all directions for sure.













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Cool tip about tapping F1, I'm gonna play around with that. I had no idea about R3, definitely gonna try that. I been using Trad GTA for easy switching the next target, so Aim-Assist is another one I can try. Excellent tips, guys. I really appreciate the advice.

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Forgot about those.


"Auto Aim" has two types: Traditional and Aim Assisted. They do play together I believe, unlike obviously Free Aim. I think in Traditional as well the cross hairs stay locked on (chest) for a couple seconds and then it resorts to Free Aim mechanics, whereas Aim Assisted is always locked on and you have to manually break it .. I think.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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Another thing I like to do is tap L1 often when moving (just helps with reaction timing and might put you in a marginally better position to get the draw first if someone pops up). This also helps when you know someone's on your map but you cannot visually see them, it might just lock on to them.

i think u mean L2? isn't L1 for switching weapons? i can't even remember it just comes naturally when playing lol

Forgot about those.


"Auto Aim" has two types: Traditional and Aim Assisted. They do play together I believe, unlike obviously Free Aim. I think in Traditional as well the cross hairs stay locked on (chest) for a couple seconds and then it resorts to Free Aim mechanics, whereas Aim Assisted is always locked on and you have to manually break it .. I think.

traditional keeps u locked on for a bit and aim assist might track ur target for 1 sec but thats it

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Other way around lol, L2 changes weapons. I definitely cannot remember everything unless I'm holding the controller lol.


However, there should be different button set ups, yes? Might be why.

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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i have trouble snapping to ppls heads as quickly as some others, especially after a roll. i think imight be hitting my aim too late, waiting for my character to finish the roll b4 actually hitting it.

Other way around lol, L2 changes weapons. I definitely cannot remember everything unless I'm holding the controller lol.


However, there should be different button set ups, yes? Might be why.

oh ya maybe, mine is set where L1 changes wep, L2 aims, R1 take cover, R2 fire. i didn't even think about having other controller setups lol

yup i just looked, there is different controller setups, standard, alternative, south-paw, and south-paw alternative

aaaah i'm learning stuff! i think i'm gunna switch my setup to alternative and have L1 aim and R1 fire. could have better reaction time with that being as L2/R2 are longer buttons to press down

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Yeah, was trying to remember the name of the set up I use and Alternative is it. 

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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i'm also set up with minimum aim sensitivity, this cripples me in a covered/crouched position as my camera will turn like a turtle, but it allows for great targeting while sniping, i can't snipe with any other sensitivity or my crosshair jumps all over. this sensitivity is combined with using traditional aim which snaps me to targets so i don't have too much trouble overall with it. i'm up for a change if someone has something else that works really good :)

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i'm also set up with minimum aim sensitivity, this cripples me in a covered/crouched position as my camera will turn like a turtle, but it allows for great targeting while sniping, i can't snipe with any other sensitivity or my crosshair jumps all over.

This sounds like something I probably did too, I gotta check.

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I have always used Alternative control settings, but I do have my aim sensitivity set all the way up. Maybe I shouldn't do that. I'm gonna change that and experiment with different settings, and see if that helps. I'm all over the place with deathmatches. I'm either really good or really suck. It's so frustrating! lol

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aaaah i'm learning stuff! i think i'm gunna switch my setup to alternative and have L1 aim and R1 fire. could have better reaction time with that being as L2/R2 are longer buttons to press down

This was my thinking when I switched it and it definitely helped 


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Wow...I had my aim sensitiviy at zero. No wonder looking around while taking cover was so slow. I raised it up to about 1/3 and it feels much better.

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You could cut out a trasparent tape or phone screen protector put it on the center of the monitor and aim while using a highlighter, your woman's nail polish or ink from pen and mark your target spot. Then again I'm nuts so bare with me.

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You could cut out a trasparent tape or phone screen protector put it on the center of the monitor and aim while using a highlighter, your woman's nail polish or ink from pen and mark your target spot.

I actually had the same idea, but haven't done it yet because I'm using my tv. Might try it this weekend for the Survivals.

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