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Tips For Deathmatches?


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I tried using a tiny piece of masking tape on the screen at the crosshairs, to pre-aim before firing. It failed shamefully. Your aim always moves as you bring up your weapon.

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  • 3 months later...

R3! 180 degree turn??? Lol, never tried it.

Yeah, if you press R3 it will make you look behind you. If you hit L2 to target before letting go of R3 it will wheel your character around to target a person behind you.

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even with my nice big tv i have trouble honing in on ppls heads when they are like 30+ feet away, or running sideways. this question is mainly for G, LN, and DC in perticular, do you guys use the R3 scope very frequently while running and gunning? it's the only thing i can think of that makes u guys so accurate lol.

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even with my nice big tv i have trouble honing in on ppls heads when they are like 30+ feet away, or running sideways. this question is mainly for G, LN, and DC in perticular, do you guys use the R3 scope very frequently while running and gunning? it's the only thing i can think of that makes u guys so accurate lol.

Rarely use R3 unless I'm out of range.


If a player is running sideways then I aim just in front of their head, it seems to work unless it's a weak weapon such as a micro SMG.


I see pistol DM's as a good way to improve accuracy because it relies heavily on headshots.

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That Wild Wild West DM, or really any pistol DM like DC mentioned are fantastic for stuff like that. I love pistols.


I don't use the "zoom in feature" of any weapons save for the RPG (I donno why). This one requires more practice because while it isn't a shotgun, it certainly isn't a full automatic rifle either.


If people are moving I try to aim just a tad in front of them while still hovering around their head.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I suck pretty badly at DMs.. Not to toot my own horn too much, but I am actually pretty good at shooters so this is different for me, lol... Here's me when I used to youtube on BF3  http://youtu.be/ho1sQfTxzoM?list=UUqOCkyefVujSQyZxrr0PMmQ


So obviously GTAO DMs are much different than what I'm used to... I know camping is pretty important, which I am definitely not used to, but are there any specific strategies, etc. that I should try and learn? I notice we don't really communicate much during DMs, and I am used to constant communication about enemy location, routes we're going, etc.

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Honestly, I'm the exact opposite I feel like. I hate FPS and I'm terrible at them. Free Aim just isn't something for me. But I think the same things apply here to a death match as they do in other games, like BF, MW, etc.


Communication is key. But honestly, as competitive as we can be, especially in H2Hs - for the most part we're pretty lax when it comes to everything else because we know not everyone is gonna be the best or most skillful at T/DMs or even races. And that's quite okay, we welcome that. More about having fun.


I think you'll find though that when you game with certain people you'll see that constant communication of what's going on, where people are, what people are thinking about doing, etc. A lot of maps also don't exactly play like something you'd expect from one of those games - people are a lot more imaginative. Not all creators though.


For competitive play though like in H2H we strongly encourage communication, practice and learning the maps we and the other crew select. As you know though, whatever strategy works .. we use it, or try to. Whether that's ambushing the opposition, flanking them, getting the drop on them or moving as one giant mob. We definitely are not a strictly DM oriented crew so we don't have that military vibe going on. We try to keep things simple so everyone can enjoy themselves.

Edited by G37
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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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Don't play any TDM created by KAPE.


Learn the combat roll.

I've been playing this forever, still can't combat roll properly, still suck at TDM.

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Personally, I'm a run and gun and combat rolling type of lady.  Camping does no good because you're an easier target, IMO.  It's much easier for me to lock on and kill someone with a head shot who is camping, than it is for me to kill someone who is rolling, jumping, running around the map.  I used to be so-so with T/DM's before joining this crew.  After playing T/DM's with these guys constantly, I've gotten a lot better at the game just watching what they do and learning from it.  It takes practice.  I won't lie, I get really excited when I kill some of our best DM players with a head shot.  :lol:

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Learn when to roll, go ball to the wall (camping is a bad idea: guns aren't "balanced" and the cover animation depletes precious milliseconds that are worth your life in an auto-aim game.) and last but not least, know what is in your back and assume there's an enemy after every corner.


Edit: Listen to Jag.

Edited by DefaultBling
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I guess I'm more of a camp guy, but I have a mix of running and using cover. Not a heavy combat roller. For myself I've learned that I'm very map dependent. I have maps I tend to do well on, but there are maps that I know well and I still can't seem to find my groove because it doesn't play well to my style. I guess you'd say my style has a somewhat narrow band of success. :lol:

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You'll also find out, if you haven't already, a lot of it is luck.


Melee death matches .. there's no real skill involved.


Sometimes you can empty an entire clip into someone's head, they won't die, but they'll spin around and shoot once killing you. It'll happen.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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There's already some good threads on this. Dig and you'll find them. I'm on my iPad now so it's a pain but I'll post links in here tomorrow if nobody beats me to it.

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Whrn I first joined this crew, I hated DMs and never played them and was terrible at them. It's not very fun to barely be able to move and constantly keep dying.. But on to the tips

Probably the biggest thing is to learn to do a head shot. So lock onto the target and slightly move the joystick to their head and shoot. If they don't have a helmet, it will be a one shot kill.

The next best thing to do is to combat roll. So hold any direction and press square. This will break their auto aim allowing you to lock on to them and get the kill.

After you have learnt those, you need to learn timing of combat roll. Everyone does it different, but if you can lock on to them first and get a headshot you will win.

About running and gunning or camping, personally I prefer to camp but I have gotten much better at running and you need to be good at both. Which tactic you use will depend on who your playing. In this crew you will most likely play the same people and then will learn their style and can counter it.

Always have the most appropriate weapon selected, makes the biggest difference.

And depending on the map, make sure you are the first to get the best weapon. A pistol vs an assault rifle doesn't stand much chance with all else being even..

And last but not least. Keep practicing! Take every kill as a win and improve on it.

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First things first... Meshuggah... Hell yeah :)


I also used to be pretty good at shooters.


As Seymor said, learn the combat roll (combat roll makes opponents loose the autoaim of you, making it much harder to hit you), also i prefer first person, cause i used to play alot of shooters, although i found that not zooming in (Ofcourse using L2, but not R3), i hit so much better!


Cause i can see the crosshair properly, just autoaim, and when you get the autoaim at an opponent, point slightly up to hit in the head (Hitting in the head is key, if you don't, you've already lost the fight)


Cover is also good to do properly, although i find myself run and gunning, which probably is the reason i fail sometimes :P


Hope it helps matey!

Edited by Haste
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Before joining this crew I was absolutely terrible at DM's.  After a few months I'm slightly less terrible (my K/D has gone up by a whopping 0.3 ... to 0.6, oh yeah)


Things I've learned in the meantime:

- situational awareness: get familiar with the map, keep an eye on the radar at all times, know where to find the guns/ammo/health and most importantly know where your enemies are ...

- combat roll to break the auto-aim

- reload, reload and reload some more. You don't want to get caught with your pants down when facing an enemy!

- try and go for the more powerful weapons as soon as you can. They can give a serious advantage!

- head shots. Lock on to target and slightly aim upwards. Still haven't mastered that one properly

- connection. I've heard/read that wireless can sometimes cause minor lag as in: you see what your opponent saw a fraction of a second earlier, giving him/her the advantage.

- aim sensitivity. Takes some experimenting, but it does help when you tweak it to your preference

- as for cover and running&gunning. Depends on the type of map, but I usually apply a mix

- steal with your eyes: learn from the good players. Keep an eye on what they do or not do

- keep an eye on the elevated areas (towers, rooftops, etc). They're often used as sniping points and can make you a sitting duck, unless you get the jump on them. Same with supress&flank manoeuvres.

- melee attacks. When real close to an enemy, I smack them in the face rather then trying to gun them down. Found that the latter often takes too long to execute.

- edit: clothing, especially shoes, masks and hats. High heels or posh shoes are noisy. Someone with a good sound system will hear you. As for masks and hats, the bigger they are the more it makes you stand out.

- practise, practise, die, practise, die some more, practise and don't forget to have fun :)

Edited by ronin1904
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To add to the clothes point, avoid any colours that stand out.. You are far easier to see. And with connection, I have noticed some days a good and others bad for no real reason. There are times when at the start of the pl I'm lagging so bad that I can't kill anyone. We are only talking less then half a second on your screen but you will be shot behind a wall or without even seeing them, and then magically it will be fixed. So do whatever you can to minimise it on your end (like being hard wired) and the rest is really out of your hands..

Also like the one with melee attacks.. They are great when you learn to use them properly and there isn't anything funnier as you pistol whip someone haha, just ask Hatch :P

There all very good tips and as long as you keep playing with people better then you, you will soon rise to their level.

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Just a heads up, I know I've said it a lot lately.


PS4 default settings are assisted aim, go to SP and select fully assisted from the controls menu, this will allow you to flick between enemies.


Depending on what view you use - I'd consider changing lookaround speed and aim sensitivity for the view of your choice, I find the default speeds to be too slow for me.

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Just wanted to say that I read everything. including the other threads linked, and it really really helped me.. Got 1st place in the next DM i played (JH playlist last night), which I think is my first 1st place in a DM for this crew! Not expecting that to happen often, but it is definitely better for me knowing some of the things I need to focus on and I expect to be much better for now on. Thanks again.

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I think im good at both FPS (call of duty) and DM in GTA. In gta im always aiming to the head aaaalways. And i use cover a lot and avoid going to open field cause that makes me an easy target. And i always keep an eye on the radar to have an idea of where the enemy might be. That is basically how i play

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