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Tips For Deathmatches?


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Now is actually a great time to get better. I played a bit on PS3 and had my first go yesterday with DMs on ps4 and people are pretty bad. I think it's a combo of all the new people since the ps4 release with the bundle and for the returning people the aim assist is different.

Get your head shots down and you're good to go.

I think I still suck at DMs but have a lot higher K/Ds than normal, even on maps I'm playing for the first time because of poor play.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ive never played deatchmatches before joining this crew and i'm really struggling. I get killed a hell of a lot quicker than i can kill. Does anyone have any advice? Ive never played around with any of the settings. I was just looking at the types of aims...Do more people use traditional aim or aim assist? 

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Read through this thread and there are a few others around to help you out with this. A few things to get you started though;

If your on PS3, it should be set to traditional aim by default. If on ps4 it's set to assisted aim by default so most people have changed it. I'm not 100% sure the difference between assisted and traditional but I know most people use traditional.

Without bragging too much, we have some really great DM players in this crew. So even getting one or 2 kills is an achievement. Keep at it and you will get better.

The biggest thing that will improve your game is to take head shots. Once you lock on, flick or hold the joystick towards the opponents head and you will kill them in one shot (with out bullet proof helmet). It's hard to perfect it but you will eventually get it and it becomes second nature.

The next thing is to learn to combat roll (square while aiming). This breaks the auto aim so that they miss you when they shoot and then you kill them when you get back up. Timing is a huge part of it but again, you will learn what works and what doesn't.

Also feel free to play with the aim settings to find what works best. I never touched them until recently and could play pretty well with them. What I noticed is that once you are playing against someone with the same ability, if they can turn quicker due to a more sensitive setting they will have a slight advantage cause they can aim at you first. The downside is you need to refine your aiming skills as you have to be more accurate so personally I would leave them alone until you get a bit better and then you can see if one works better for you.

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My 2 cents, and what ive learned over the past couple days of researching this subject is below. 


Traditional gta : this is the norm , you lock on to targets and tap up to get the headshots. straightforward how we've played for years. tip tap left or right to switch targets quickly. 


Assisted aim : same as traditional but targeting arch is a bit smaller . I.E.  you have to look more towards the targets before it locks on to them.  This is actually helpful if you have noticed traditional sometimes locks on to the targets far away and not the ones blasting you from close by.  Also i believe this mode lacks the "tap left or right" to switch targets. 


the third style is self explanatory. Free aim .

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I also believe traditional aim only locks onto the target for a second or two before it switches to "free aim", whereas assisted aim is for the most part always locked.

Edited by G37
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A few more ideas to keep in mind

- I often randomly roll while running, accomplishing two things. First, it negates the auto aim of my fo. But most importantly, by hitting the aim button momenrarily, it often locks on to an unseen fo (behind an object, bush, etc). I have had numerous kills through a bush even when I never saw them.

- Another technique when under fire is to roll in a direction that sets you up for return fire i.e., running sideways so roll towards your attacker. My instinct is to always roll when attacked from the side or back.

- Also, be careful about getting "locked" to an obstacle. When you "hide" behind an object, you are effectively locked to it without the ability to roll if attacked.

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One other thing I forgot to mention and hasn't been mentioned yet here is weapon selection. Make sure you get the best weapon on the map as soon as possible. It's very hard to compete when other people have further range, higher fire rate and make more damage with each shot..

Don't be overwhelmed with all this information. Try to learn one at a time and watch what others do and you will get there.

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Oh, 1 more question...    Silencers on guns or not?  At the minute i don't have any silencers fitted

I have noticed they decrease range. Im about to take the silencers off all my weapons just to get a longer range then AI hopefully with one of the guns. 

you can also see the difference at amunation with or without - looking at weapon stats . Im looking for that edge for sure. 

One other thing I forgot to mention and hasn't been mentioned yet here is weapon selection. Make sure you get the best weapon on the map as soon as possible. It's very hard to compete when other people have further range, higher fire rate and make more damage with each shot..


Oh yes. Good one!  i learned this lesson this week. If you dont run around and grab something good you will get slaughtered. 

Edited by kortniechan
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Oh, 1 more question...    Silencers on guns or not?  At the minute i don't have any silencers fitted

u don't use personal weapons in DM unless its set to owned so silencers are just a preference. in freeroam u might get a couple more shots off b4 the cops get called but it does slightly lower ur gun's range and damage. 

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- Also, be careful about getting "locked" to an obstacle. When you "hide" behind an object, you are effectively locked to it without the ability to roll if attacked.


While in cover against an object or wall you can still combat roll.  However, you can only roll in the opposite direction away from the object. E.g. if you're in cover and hugging a wall with your left shoulder, you can still combat roll to the right side away from that wall, but you won't be able to roll forwards or backwards.


Not sure though if this also works on the PS3. And it is quite tricky to perform. If you don't 'roll aim' at the exact right angle, nothing will happen and you will become a sitting duck... But sometimes it can also be a life saver.

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  • 2 months later...

a question for all the veteran killers in the crew. i really struggle with killing people at long ranges in this game. im not talking about sniper but some kind of assault rifle at a distance seems impossible to drop someone with one clip. anything from mid range to up close and personal isn't to much of a problem but once the distance is stretched out i struggle with not only getting headshots but effectively hitting my target.

any tips are greatly appreciated

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That's the same for me, I try the combat mg but it seems like it just shoots over the head even as its locked onto the target. I even try pushing down on the stck to bring it down to no avail.

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a question for all the veteran killers in the crew. i really struggle with killing people at long ranges in this game. im not talking about sniper but some kind of assault rifle at a distance seems impossible to drop someone with one clip. anything from mid range to up close and personal isn't to much of a problem but once the distance is stretched out i struggle with not only getting headshots but effectively hitting my target.

any tips are greatly appreciated

Again, aim for the head, but it's much tougher from long range.


I like to aim for the head, roll forward when my clip is half full (knowing the enemy will briefly continue shooting and then immediately try to counter roll me), now I'm at closer range, I have more bullets in my clip and my aim is locked on the head before I even finish the combat roll.


The scope button is useful too (R3 or L3).


Sometimes on maps that have various pickups, there will be other types of rifles, but a lot of players will stick to the default assault rifle rather than switching to the carbine or whatever after each respawn... Same with pistols, some people, will use the regular over and over without switching to the combat or AP. This can affect kills at long and short range.

That's the same for me, I try the combat mg but it seems like it just shoots over the head even as its locked onto the target. I even try pushing down on the stck to bring it down to no avail.

MG's suck on PS4... Too much recoil.


Regular MG is the worst.


Any rifle over MG's for me, just for the accuracy.

Edited by DavidCore89
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Yeah i dont like the mg's but i will switch to a better assault rifle if i have one. I like the tip of rolling forward to decrease the distance will give it a go

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Stuff all the others said is what I learnt but another useful tip is to wait for shooting ... Since in DMs you are invisible on the map until you make noise, if they don't see you then you go for a free kill

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I notice elevation makes a huge difference much easier to kill someone from longer distqnces either up on a elevated surface like a roof or something and shooting down and it seems easier to kill someone when they are on a roof and i am on ground its that whole across the map on flat surfaces thats gets me

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I was horrible at DMs but I found out a very useful tip. I didn't go through the whole thread so sorry if it was mentioned but other than what DC said, tapping the R2 button instead of holding it down helps. Instead of spraying bullets everywhere, tapping it helps hit your target more consistently. And as you're doing this, keep moving, don't stay stationary.

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I have my controls changed. I don't use the default controls because it slows me down. My 3rd controls are set to "standard fps 2" which allows me to sprint with R1 and still stay scoped with L2

X turns to my rolls, square turns to cover and R1 turns to sprint

***only informing crews of this method, so keep this tip on the downlow so the rest of gta stays easy targets while zoomed.***

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  • 3 weeks later...

From my first couple matches with the crew I found that having a weapon selecting when trying to shoot works best. Ammo in the weapon is even better.

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You'll also find out, if you haven't already, a lot of it is luck.


Melee death matches .. there's no real skill involved.


Sometimes you can empty an entire clip into someone's head, they won't die, but they'll spin around and shoot once killing you. It'll happen.


Ain't that the danged truth!

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Holding square in melee DM will make you dodge their punch. Me me r2/circle is punch and x is kick. Hold square until you're gonna attack. Also remember to change your target settings to everybody, or else you'll always attack in the wrong direction :). Spend a lot of time in DM.

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