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Tips For Deathmatches?


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Also swiping the touchpad will chuck the selected explosive. A lot of people don't anticipate a grenade coming their way in a firefight. When theyre getting close to reloading, swipe your pad and chuck a grenade to force them to move/roll, giving you ample time to reload before they do

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More tips:

1. I play free aim and I only use L2 when needed. Usually for a distant target. If they are close-medium range, I just shoot with r2

2. 1/2 r2 trigger press let's you run with gun drawn. This takes practice and time to get the hang of, but once you do, you know where your gun is aimed

3. If you want the best DM experience, have the group agree to turn off maps. No map makes communication a key necessity. Usually only get this in crew games though, as pubs will likely not turn theirs off

4. Stealth. The ones who never use it let you know where they are with footsteps. With music off and ambient sound max, I can hear your pitter patter

5. Draw distance off. Settings menu, display options. This is the haze you get for a few seconds looking in the distance. When you turn this off, you get crystal clear view all the time

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While I play on ps3, I read through this thread & found a lot of awesome suggestions tips & ideas, though I missed two which IMO are vital. If they were posted & I missed them, I apologize.


Anyways, my suggestions are:


1.) Some DM's will allow you to use lester, merryweather or possibly Lamar - use these to your advantage, such as reveal all players, hide your blip, mercenary, air-strike etc.


2.) Be a fatty - EAT YOUR DAMN SNACKS! - While driving or in cover, you have no animation while eating snacks which boosts your health. I've been able to stay alive far longer while being shot, even ran over due to this.


3.) Interaction menu - Not only can you get your snacks from here, but also your body armor. Depending on circumstances, you may want to leave the menu open on snacks/body armor. 

Personally, I don't leave this open when I'm on foot, as it won't allow you to run (X), though again depending on what's going on (situational awareness anyone?) it may be worth it to keep the menu open.


4.) Don't get pissed off (Still have trouble following this one myself)

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Merged four topics containing great DM tips and advice, so now all of this useful info can be found in one place.


Thanks to everyone who posted!

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While I play on ps3, I read through this thread & found a lot of awesome suggestions tips & ideas, though I missed two which IMO are vital. If they were posted & I missed them, I apologize.

Anyways, my suggestions are:

1.) Some DM's will allow you to use lester, merryweather or possibly Lamar - use these to your advantage, such as reveal all players, hide your blip, mercenary, air-strike etc.

2.) Be a fatty - EAT YOUR DAMN SNACKS! - While driving or in cover, you have no animation while eating snacks which boosts your health. I've been able to stay alive far longer while being shot, even ran over due to this.

3.) Interaction menu - Not only can you get your snacks from here, but also your body armor. Depending on circumstances, you may want to leave the menu open on snacks/body armor.

Personally, I don't leave this open when I'm on foot, as it won't allow you to run (X), though again depending on what's going on (situational awareness anyone?) it may be worth it to keep the menu open.

4.) Don't get pissed off (Still have trouble following this one myself)

While number 1 can be useful, it is generally frowned upon by the majority of the crew. We don't use it in head to heads and we don't use it during our playlists either.

I personally don't use armour or snacks during a deathmatch, only occasionally during an LTS. To me there isn't much point, it wastes time and makes you vulnerable while you are applying them.

Here is another tip that can be useful in many ways. Do you know who is near you and who you're trying to attack at least most of the time? Well you should.

Especially when you play with them most of the time (crew members or friends) you will learn their playing styles. This means you will have a good idea how they will attack you and how to counter it to beat them. Most players will have only one playing style so they will be predictable in what they do and you can use that to your advantage.

Once your good at doing this, even after a few minutes with a random player, you can judge their playing style and counter it.

This is a bit more of an advanced tip but something that should be worked towards.

For new players, just try to identify your enemies by names when they show up on he radar. If they are good at deathmatches, it may be best to avoid them as much as possible until you're more comfortable in deathmatches.

With that said, I do believe you need to vs people better then you to get better and it's your choice to choose when you should do it :)

Edited by ScottyB88
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I use snacks and armor.


I'd rather use them and replenish my health rather than concede a kill... Especially in a crew vs crew match where each kill could be the difference between victory and defeat.


It doesn't always work out, sometimes I'll have someone creep up on me while I'm using snacks and armor, other times I'll be killed as soon as I leave cover, but other times it will allow me to get another couple of kills before I'm also killed.


I'm not sure if the mugger works during DM's, but I know that the kill will not be awarded to your team if the mugger kills your target... Merryweather is a different story, they will continue to show up until your target is either killed by them or by another player, if Merryweather kill the target then the kill will be awarded to you. Keep in mind that only the mercenaries are available and they will play havoc with your auto-aim  :lol:.


As for what Scotty said - I agree, calling Lester is often frowned upon in this crew, it removes any tactical play, it will result in disqualification if it's used during crew vs crew as well.


However, use the losing perks from the 'wasted' screen when you've been killed 3 times in a row, the options are beneficial, you can reveal all players, hide your blip or activate quad damage.... All of these options are available for free and the whole lobby will not be informed of what you're doing.

Edited by DavidCore89
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I split many of the Lester posts into it's own thread, this was getting a bit off the DM tips topic.

The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I have to bring this back up.

I sucked in last nights TDM's. 

The scene that keept repeating:

I see someone, I riddle them with bullets, trying to get the aim up towards the head, I am noticed and receive one bullet to my head and die.


So first, do we have the same settings as far as aim, what do you use?

Second, since the aiming settings probably is not the issue, is it all about quality (headshots) over quantity (body armour)?

Do you guys take your time to make sure to get a headshot before spraying?



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I don't think there's any definitive answer.


It's going to depend every single time you play.


There's days where I can't buy a kill on DC .. I'll get killed behind cover, mid roll, 1 shot murdered through full health and armor and at a serious distance. Then there's days where it goes just the opposite.


Lag/ping is a part of it, this game is so far from optimized it isn't funny. Always remember what YOU see on YOUR screen is not necessarily reflected upon what is ACTUALLY happening. Races see it best. Someone comes close to a poll but apparently doesn't touch it and then every single other racer has to pay for it while that person drives away scot free. It's bullshit. No matter how you slice it. You definitely have to be a bit of a masochist to enjoy this game.


Settings help though, how quickly your camera rotates, aim sensitivity, all of that layers in sure. Maybe play around with complex vs simple cross-hairs to get a more accurate shot. I use complex because I think it looks better and I can locate it better, but most use simple for the dot. I also don't fire unless I'm locked onto someone's head. If they're at a distance and a headshot will be difficult, spray away. One thing that also helps is sort of leading your cross-hair to where someone will be and predicting movements. Similar to firing a rocket at a point you think a car will travel to. It's supposed to work that way but I swear in deathmatches the actual lag gives the illusion of that.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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I have to bring this back up.

I sucked in last nights TDM's. 

The scene that keept repeating:

I see someone, I riddle them with bullets, trying to get the aim up towards the head, I am noticed and receive one bullet to my head and die.


So first, do we have the same settings as far as aim, what do you use?

Second, since the aiming settings probably is not the issue, is it all about quality (headshots) over quantity (body armour)?

Do you guys take your time to make sure to get a headshot before spraying?




I have wanted to bring up a topic like this and i think it deserves its own thing as its not really a tip on how to play a DM. Its related to lag, and its anyones guess who is at fault or who it will favour. Ever since heists, it has become significantly worse so Rockstar has done something that has effected how it plays. 

We are playing against people on the other side of the world so its extremely hard to be able to get everything to match up so that we can see what every one else is seeing. We connect to each other instead of a dedicated server which makes it worse, but its a lot cheaper to do it like that which means we get to play online for free.


Unfortunately there isnt much you can do to counter this that i know of yet, just try to avoid that certain player. Today in a head to head there was one guy who just wouldnt die. load a whole clip into them with several headshots and it does nothing. You then roll and they pop you with one hit mid roll.. 


Check this video out:



I was no where near him and i killed him.. this has happened a few times and even though you are getting headshots and they are hitting on your screen, its not whats happening on there screen so it doesnt count. Its really bad trying to run people over, looks like you hit them and then they re appear behind you and kill you. 


Being shot behind cover is part of the same problem: 




This guys was causing everyone problems too so im assuming that if you have slow internet you have an advantage, although DC has superfastnet and he seems to do great so who knows.


The best way that i have found to combat this is to stay in cover and quickly pop out and shoot and go back. Hopefully you are quicker then them and get of a shot without them getting you instead of hoping your opponent is really where they say they are.


The other tip is to stay away and snipe or shoot at long range. If they arent shooting at you, you wont die. Its pretty sad that you need to resort to that but unfortunately if youre having a bad day this is what you need to do. Its also the same as playing against someone who is better at running and gunning then you are. If you cant beat them in close quarter, play to your strengths.

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