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First off al dont let this being into a apple vs samsung war ;)



Oke im in the position of my contract to pick a new phone but im not sure wich one to get , ill tell some pro and cons i think of the phone.  Atm i have a iphone 4s


Iphone 5s: 


nice and small can be used with 1 hand 

Ios is just very easy to use.


Display isnt even HD (i believe), my old samsung s3 even had a hd display.

not very much of a difference compared to my iphone 4s i believe



Samsung S5


Full hd display 

better camera.

larger screen 

less restrictions compared to ios


Its alot bigger then a iphone 4s , i remember using my galaxy s3 with one hand i sometimes hitted the touchkeys and that would be annoying sometimes.

also if i choose the S5 it currently comes with a free galaxy tab 3 7'' lite.



What are your opiniums?


and no im not getting a iphone 6 ;)


EDIT: iphone 5s OR samsung S5 not a note 3 or everything else ;)

Edited by johanhummer9
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A 5.5 inch screen is MASSIVE. It's physically a very LARGE device, just like the 6 Plus will be.


I'm on the other end of the spectrum regarding Apple (not a blind fanboy) though.


I personally love iTunes, very easy to manage my thousands and thousands of songs and I've never had a problem with Apple customer support. The plus in that regard is their call centers are centralized in the States so you're not ping ponged all over the globe as well as being able to visit any Apple retailer with an appointment to diagnose whatever. Now don't get me wrong, I like Apple but drinking the kool-aid is not something I advocate. You're really overpaying for the device and buying a name cache and experience that is intended to be superior (not always is).


That said, this is honestly a no brainer. The Galaxy S5 is a superior phone: in specs, battery life, performance, display and features. They tote it as a "Life phone" and that's got some truth to it and can be a bit overwhelming with the amount of things they stuffed into the phone - a lot of them are also meaningless. The let down here IMO is the phone's construction. It's just a plastic shell. The other thing is that I had an S4 for a period and had problems with it. The solution was for me to ship it to Samsung .. in the UK. They wouldn't send me a replacement until it arrived and the whole process would take 2 weeks. Their customer service IMO was dreadful and no one in any division knew what the next was talking about. Was a poor experience.


So IMO: better phone with a so-so construction and meh customer service if you need it or an "average" phone with better construction and a better centralized customer service network and better synergy between their devices?

Edited by G37

: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


Personal Selection revolves around Galaxy right now. Not a fan of Crapple, or how they micro manage your ability to use their device. However, all Android Devices come with the standard garbage apps in the Firmware, that is very annoying. Crapple is better for taking pics and is much more widely accepted when it comes to communication with other electronics for music or video playback. Galaxy has a better feel, look, and is more user friendly IMO.


its a 5.1'' ;)


i think im going for the samsung moslty cause of the full hd screen and larger screen and more freedom in costumize the phone.


and im going to buy it by tmobile , so if theres something wrong it . i return it to tmobile and they can fix the problem

I liked the iPhone better, but I'm also the guy that hates change and learning a new system.


@G: Yeah, I was pretty bummed because I liked the iPhone from a user perspective and stand alone. iTunes has always been a nightmare for me. With my phones and my iPods it constantly deleted music, altered playlists, and was just a constant nightmare to have to use since it was so sporadic....not to mention my Audi was iPod only and that interface beyond sucked and also altered playlists. I just never found it user friendly and really was against the fact it had to be integrated.


With customer support it was just an issue of my phone taking a shit because of an Apple software issue and not only getting no help or assistance, but was even directly told, "Oh well, technology is suppose to default as we come out with newer products." It was just appalling to hear from the Apple Bar and when I was sent to phone customer service they had some schleprock reading from a damn rebuttal sheet that wanted to charge me to diagnose their error message (it was the Error 23 which is their software crash) then charge me again once they found the error to replace it....all this costing more than a new phone.


I just have a real issue with companies that don't stand behind their products, especially when they know it's their error and not a user error.


my iphone 4s contract ended about 9 months ago, i resisted temptation of a *new iphone 5 offer* for *free* with another 24 months contract at staggering £35 a month.!! uau

went for sim only contract at £6 a month, it's a no brainer..

Using the ios 7.2, i jailbreak that piece of expensive craple, and now i have a decent phone that i can do whatever i want with it, and i never look back.

Don't get me wrong it's a nice piece of design but not worth the price tag it comes with it and IMO there are out there good or even better at half of the price. even my son Nokia lumia at a third of the price is a decent phone.

the market of smart phones at moment is very competitive and i think craple lost their bearings IMO.


rant over

I have kept silent on this matter because I can't stand Apple. Now you have made a wise choice because if you wanted technology from 2012 you would have bought it then.

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