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14 minutes ago, skip_rat said:

Welcome back Matty, it's good to be killing randoms in public lobbies with you again.

As a returning member you will need to put something into the 'buy Zmurko a PS4' collection tin :lol:

The best I can do will have to be, use my brothers PS3 to give him some company every now and then. 


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On September 22, 2014 at 0:11 PM, Matty said:

Cheers smoggy, dm's are certainly not my forte, I'm totally up for it but I'll be like the fat kid in the playground... nobody will want me on their team..(whoa! That takes me back)

Welcome to the crew!

dont worry about your DM skills right now.

We are working on building a rehab center if you really want to change them. 

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1 minute ago, Con said:

Welcome to the crew!

dont worry about your DM skills right now.

We are working on building a rehab center if you really want to change them. 

Thanks for the welcome.


Oh that was a couple of years back @Con, I have now gone from 'terrible' at them to 'pretty dismal' so a sound improvement really..

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Just now, pete_95973 said:

Glad to have you back!  I remember you having my back in a couple of free roam battles.  Will be good to see you on the streets and in the playlists again.

Yeah, out of all GTA has to offer, I do love firing my load in people's faces (I said that, yes)

I quite enjoy finding the reddest  blip in session and try to make them pay for being a douchebag to everyone. It's even more fun when there is a bunch of you. 

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  • 6 months later...

Hi all, Thought i should hop on and let you all know i'm still kicking. Sorry for the inactivity, no excuse really, I could give you the old work and real life crap but to be honest I have just been a bit of a lazy fucker with everything lately.......

I don't have PS+ at present and as GTA (eugh) is the only game I have on PlayStation until RDR2 comes out I don't really wanna shell out for it. 

Here's hoping RDR2 wont just be Brothel businesses and cattle rustling (MC & import export) :unsure2:

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