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2Bros Playlist - Every Saturday

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Every Saturday at 8:00PM UTC @omarcomin71 and @pete_95973 host a mixed job playlist that generally sees 10 to 16 XDBX members attending. They've offered to open it up to anyone willing to play. 

It's a good time, lots of laughs and you will see jobs used that are created from a wide variety of creators on GTA, not just XDBX creations.

To join you can either RSVP on the XDBX website or send either of them a PSN friend request and message saying you want to play in 2Bros


The rules unless otherwise stated for a particular Satruday are - 

Clean racing must be had, if you wreck someone pull off and let them get their spot back


No phone services

No hide blip

Don't be a d*uche in the pre lobby


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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


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  • 1 month later...

This Saturday 20:00 UTC i am guest-hosting this event. I would like to invite you all and your crews to a not so serious fun mixed playlist, all are welcome, but please let me know how many you might bring. It will be all contact racing and free-aim shooting! Hope to see old and new friends join in! Let me know if you are interested.

@JuniorChubb @Shelby GR @VALL_es @ajbns87 @Crazykay19 @Waxman __007

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  • 1 month later...

Saturday 21:00 UTC we will be racing. I would ask to only use each car once, unless you only have one or two in the class then just mix it up as much as you can.

We will race contact, clean and without b*tching, although things will happen.

I picked some of the IMO best races i have bookmarked. Alot of Sports, Sport Classics and Supers, and a few rally type tracks. Owning a Omnis or Tropos could be usefull.

The jobs: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/playlists/playlist/FI_ht2ArO0KfsR3sE6qlLw#

I would love to see some  people outside xdbx joining as well, so i will tag @VALL_es @Shelby GR @JuniorChubb @ajbns87 and @Crazykay19

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From last night


You can tell @Protocawl already hit his breaks while I am enjoying the music knowing I have great breaks on my Massacro. One second later Proto suffers from trespassing my racingline.  :D


Thanks all for joining, I had some great battles with @Schumi6581 and one with @Dead-Demon that he might not be aware of since I was behind him all the time.

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