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I was not sure what to title this topic but it is about the heists    


First Cayo Parico 


As someone who has come back to GTA online after a break from the game playing this mission has become nearly impossible and based on RNG and luck making absolutely unfun to play. 

I understand that it's supposed to be a challenge but it is stacked too far against the player. Some of the changes made to it have made the grief of playing it not worth the final reward you get. 


The change made of having dead bodies setting off the alarm makes not being caught an impossibility.   This happens due to the fact that required items are placed with random guards meaning that something you absolutely need could be held by a guard that must be eliminated and there no safe place to do so.  This breaks the structure of the mission including the new guards spawning in setting off the alarm. Another factor is that the Juggernaut can somehow hear a shot for suppressed weapon from two floors above them thereby setting off the alarm again.  That should not be possible; based of the equipment they are wearing the field of vision should be lower then it is. 

Finally on a run yesterday when eliminating a new guard to prevent an alarm thee more spawned in the same place.  This may be errors due to the upcoming update however to make this heist playable again one of 2 things need to be done.  Either you remove dead bodies triggering the alarm; or you have the required items spawn in fixed locations so stealth can work again. 


The Diamond Casino. 

A lot of the errors that were present when this mission first launched have returned as of late. 

Coming back from the vault all the guards on the main floor are frozen in place giving you only one safe way out of the building.  Also some players are having issues with the mission kicking them out as they move through  the mantrap in the vault. which terminates the whole mission.  This could be due to the future update as well. 


Thanks for reading this; I put it here because I was unsure if reporting game issues like these needed a support ticket. Someone needs to know and they need to be fixed. 

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