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For those of you lucky (unlucky?) enough to have a partner (and family for that matter), how do you go keeping them happy and still getting to play your game so much?

For me, it tends to be a rather constant battle on play time vs spending time with her which ocassionly ends in an argument. Am I unkucky or is this a common thing? I have thought it may be cool to have a partner who also games, but this could lead to fights over who gets to play :P

So, a few questions for those that it applies too;

How is it having a partner to game with?

Do you get into arguments for playing too much?

And how have you been able to compromise?

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I like cooking and I cook often, I also look after our baby so usually when I play it doesn't start any arguments, I guess I have a cool partner, she also likes to watch me play :)

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Please don't be offended, it's a small piece of my mind that I chose to expose...

how do you go keeping them happy and still getting to play your game so much?


I use 40% hypnosis, 10% cunning and 50% chloroform.


I'm kidding, there isn't any hypnosis or cunning involved!


All jokes aside, the answer to this particular question is probably very obvious  :P.


How is it having a partner to game with?

Do you get into arguments for playing too much?

And how have you been able to compromise?

1. It's actually pretty cool, although my GTAO character is always more attractive than creating her own...


2. Yeah sometimes, nothing serious though.


3 Chloroform.


I'm kidding, all is well for me  ;).

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I like cooking and I cook often, I also look after our baby so usually when I play it doesn't start any arguments, I guess I have a cool partner, she also likes to watch me play :)

Wow she likes to watch you play, lucky you :P although that might be a bit annoying sometimes haha.

I use 40% hypnosis, 10% cunning and 50% chloroform.


I'm kidding, there isn't any hypnosis or cunning involved!


All jokes aside, the answer to this particular question is probably very obvious  :P.


1. It's actually pretty cool, although my GTAO character is always more attractive than creating her own...


2. Yeah sometimes, nothing serious though.


3 Chloroform.


I'm kidding, all is well for me  ;).

I'll add chloroform to the shopping list, may come in handy :P

maybe she is right and I do play too much.. Noo she's the one with the problem :P

On another note, my play time has probably almost doubled since joining the crew. No wonder it's called domestic battery :P

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for me i usually just play at night once my daughter goes to bed the wife will usually go in the bedroom and watch tv so i can play. the only arguments we usually have is if my daughter doesnt fall right to sleep and is in there asking for one of us or acting up i usually dont hear her because of having headphones on so the wife gets annoyed that she has to keep going in and out.

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She's cool with it because 93% goes to pleasing the babies. The other few percents ) wife - watching reality shows or mistresses or whatever. Sleeping seems to suite her lifestyle very well to..

Me ) well LS need it's knight rider so... not much sleep for me. Playing the role of a 'nonapartment-walkingaround-mission-playing-mofo'

I always stop playing waay before i want to. That's the case for all of you right?! (-:

Nights are way to short.

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My girl is pretty chill about it. If I want to take part in a PL I'll usually tell her a couple days before hand, that way she can plan something with a friend or do chores or something to keep her busy as she doesn't enjoy watching me play much.

Tried to get her into it, created a character for her so she could play sometimes but she's not much of a gamer unless it's Mario. She also understands that I work hard and if I want to spend a few hours on a weeknight or all Sunday gaming she tries to be okay with it.

It will come to the point sometimes where she asks if I'll shut it off so we can put the tv on and I usually oblige her unless I'm doing something but I'll get off shortly afterward. It's all about compromise, also doing stuff costs money and gaming is free. I use that a lot. :)

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You Want Peace, Prepare For War

I guess I am on the lucky side, Rose is cool with it 90% of the time. Not gonna say it never causes an issue, but nothing like my first wife was with me playing PS1, and 2nd wife with PS2.

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The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.


A topic I have considered creating a few times.

So now that its out there I am going to be brutally honest.



I have a wife and four kids and we both work full time.

When I started to play the game fall 2013 I joked to my buddy that if I ever got to level 100 that would be at the price of a divorce.

I am level 155 now and she is still here. 


But first i would like to say that its really not a GTA vs Significant other issue, but a DB vs Significant other. I would have stopped playing along time ago if it wasnt for this crew.


She (the Significant other in my case) has absolutely no interest if playing games, and we have very different personalities.



Do you get into arguments for playing too much?

No. We easily could, since I do play too much. But for me its about give and take, and making sure she is happy. 

And how have you been able to compromise?

A happy wife dont care what you do as long as she is happy. I make sure to do everything that needs to be done at the house, cleaning, laundry, dishes, cooking, feed cats and rabbits, kids schoolbags, put kids to bed, simply everything. I have no problem doing this as like to be busy, and it serves a purpose. Along with this I make sure to do all the other important things like listening, talk about her stuff and place her in the center of attention. All this needs to be done in a context that is natural and not in a way that gives the impression that I am only doing it to get something.

This gets me two things i really appreciate.

I only (at least i try to) play at night when the kids are asleep, and like Ronny mentioned above about choices, sometimes i know she prefer that i play so that she can get some quality time alone. Win-win.


A potential problem I see is that I feel the need to get on the laptop (here) alot more during the days and evenings, and that do annoy her since my focus is not on my family. And also the lack of sleep can not be affecting my behavior, if it does it will also ruin it.

Edited by Lann3
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My significant other that the moment is actually my bed. We have had a serious falling out since I discovered this crew. There's at least 3 or 4 nights a week where I don't spend time there. It's not amused!


As for my real love life, I'm not dating as much as I'm playing GTA more which means I'm spending less cash and giving my liver a well deserved break. As soon as nights start getting warmer things may change.

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Well, considering how often I'm online, you can easily guess which side I'm on :lol:


That's right, I'm on the unlucky side.


Things are very complicated when it comes to gaming and my fiance.

She's absolutely not into video games. We played Wii Sport a few times but that's it. She doesn't even play a dumb game on smartphone like Candy Crush or whatever...

You can see how this can be tricky for me who's an avid video games fan!


Fortunately, I can still get a decent amount of game time during the week thanks to my work schedule which is quite different than hers.

She doesn't want me to play when she's home. She considers I have enough game time when she's not here.

I sorta agree with her but what's frustrating is I can never play when most of you guys are online. That is pissing me off big time ! I miss out all the awesome stuff !

Lately I managed to negotiate a game night on friday evening. That way I can join at least a PL during the week.

I still need to let her know a few days before that friday is game night. She kinda agrees because we don't spent as much time together on fridays cause she goes to sport. She comes home at 10pm and goes to bed not too long after.


Like you Lann, I try to keep her happy as much as possible. When she's at work, I do many chores (laundry, ironing, clean the house, dishes...) so she doesn't have to.

I could do a bit more though but I doubt she'd let me play more anyway so what's the point ? :D The gaming doesn't lead to many arguments and when it does, that doesn't last long. 


Fortunately, she has a lot of qualities that largely make up for it. She's exactly what I need in my life and can't imagine living without her. If she just could accept me gaming a bit more :P

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Honestly, I look at it this way... as a stay-at-home mom, I don't get much adult interaction during the day.  All I do is talk to my kid's, which is great, but they are kids and I need to talk to adults too.  Keeps you sane.  My job is staying home and taking care of the kid's and household work.  I don't really have friend's in Las Vegas that I can hangout with for hours and talk and joke with.  Once we are done with dinner, I don't really want to go outside of my house and hangout with other people anyway.  I'd rather play GTA and hangout with people who I consider close friends.  There's too much drama with females anyway.  So I enjoy spending time with the guys and not dealing with nonsense.  I'm lucky enough to play GTA during the day when (and if...) the baby is napping.  I make sure my household work is done before logging in.  Generally, most of my time is spent online in the evenings though.


We spend a lot of our family time together during the weekends.  Some nights my husband & I will watch something on Netflix after the kid's go to bed.  Once it gets a bit nicer out, we will spend a majority of our Saturday (and some Sunday) afternoons away from our house.  I'll also start taking the kid's to the park in the afternoons.  But during the week, especially after having a really rough day, I just want to play GTA as a release and have fun and forget about the stress I just had to deal with for 9 hours.


You don't need to spend 24/7 with your significant other.  You just don't.  Neither one of you are going to die if you don't spend every single second of your day together.  Each person should have their own hobbies and things they enjoy doing alone, but then both of you should also have things you like to do together.  I think a lot of arguments would end if the roles were reversed and their partner was trying to take away something their significant other enjoyed.  It won't end well.


That's my two cents.

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I remember playing a mixed tag team match with my ex in WWE 13.She loved it and I made her play for more than an hour,lol.


But,the usual complaints were always there as I would play a lot of FIFA during those days.


Been single since I've started playing GTA,no problems now.

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Sounds like there is some good life advice in here :P

I guess the biggest part is communication and making them understand. Sadly she doesnt find it amusing going into FPV and killing someone with a hatchet.. Oh well I guess it's not for everyone :P

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It causes tension. No doubt. But usually Im online after the kids go to bed. Chores are mostly complete. But i can tell when its getting edgy. Matter of fact that time is coming up again. After Rose's PL tonight, I will take a couple of days off. Spend some time with the wife.

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