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My latest LTS for the PS4.  Designed for two teams and up to 20 players.  This is a ZERO prop map.  The area used is the Bristol's Coke Storage facility.  There's plenty of "natural" props from Rockstar here.  Enjoy and feel free to leave feedback.  Thanks!


Coked Out





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Every creator seems to have a certain knack for a certain game mode, and for you it seems to be the LTS. For good reason too, you create some solid and memorable 1 off battles. I think that holds true here as well as you make excellent use of the location and things seem quite balanced and fair for both teams.


The platforms for the RPGs are an interesting touch however I might suggest making it accessible to the other team 2. It might be a timing thing (how long it takes you to get to it) but I think as you have it here, 1 team will obviously be advantaged to having one whereas the other will not (you can easily add a prop in the water and drop an RPG on it for the other team). Also I can't quite recall if not having an RPG for 1 team is offset by the availability of a sniper rifle for the other group (donno if the other side has access to a rifle). Just some thoughts, but quite enjoyable overall. Good job.

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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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Thanks.  I love making LTS's.


There's a sniper rifle for both teams and a RPG for both as well.  What I may do is move team #2's starting points so it's a bit even, time wise, to get to the other RPG.  I'll look into it tomorrow and kind of time it and see what I can come up with.

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