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Game of Thrones **Spoilers**


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It is a narrow sea.

Wonder where they will land though? Straight for Kings Landing or come through the Reach picking up the mighty and very angry Tyrell army on the way

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So I had a few questions lol maybe you guys can help...

Was Varys in Dorne to recruit the Tyrells and Martells to join Daenerys cause?


Also.. so like the rightful heir/true king is Jon Snow right? He's a Targaryen right? 


One day the sadness will end.


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The whole R+L=J seems to have been confirmed. For the non book readers thats Rhagear Targaryen & Lyanna Stark who we saw dying after childbirth last night. 

Varys has been an agent for the Targaryens for a long time. He has been instrumental in manoeuvring the pieces in the game of thrones. 

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Varys i think says sometime in this season that he works for peace (or something to that extent lol) so i do believe hes not going to screw someone over for his own selfish desires i.e littlefinger.

However i still dont trust him! hahaha

ive felt all season long like he was going to betray Daeny somehow so when he showed up at Dorne i was like "hell nah!" but then it went back to the action. Which is good, im not a big fan of the dorne storyline, it felt like filler at times. 



Edited by JALJ
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One day the sadness will end.


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Dorne in the books is very intriguing but like the series it seems like a distraction from the main story although they do have a part to play in the final game

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Incredible episode.

So Jon is Robert Baratheon's son and rightful heir to the throne. Where's the Targaryen connection? Did I forgot something ?

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It's a 20 year old rumour and it's only half confirmed. But yeah mind blowing. That was only one of the mind blowing moments as well

Burn them all but don't burn the Frey pie

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In some respects as a long time book reader I feel like I miss some of the shocks and twists. A lot of what happened I had predicted but when it all happened my mind was still blown. 

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I plan on reading the books when the show is over.

I did the reverse thing with the Lord of the Rings (books before movies) and I wanna see which way is best :D


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I'm gonna start reading them just as soon as I finish my Stephen King marathon. I'm finishing mercy and got pet sematary next. 


Im really looking forward to getting lost in Westeros :P

Edited by JALJ


One day the sadness will end.


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I left the last two episodes and watched back to back yesterday. Just amazing how things wrapped up for the season.
 i only started to watch from last season after a marathon of GOT.

The ramsey death is a masterpiece, and long due

Cersey is just ... no words..

Back from death and now a targaryen?

The girl has a name ??

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good finale, but yeah no books mean no Twists it would seem.

I enjoyed the Season, but I do feel it lacked depth. Side plots and intrigues are not what we are paying the script writers for....

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