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Just wanted to let everyone know this is the recent thing from wicked executioners, none of us are worried about it at all and its kinda funny how pathetic things have gone lol http://s375.photobucket.com/user/nicolabellamy77/media/nelly%20being%20a%20mega%20dick_zpsd5kpk9vz.png.html?filters[user]=143524333&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0


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I'm gonna take this opportunity to nip this before it goes south, because it does have the potential to.


There's no question that past is past and it's unfortunate that DARK feels the way they do about the situation. We of course welcome newcomers alike regardless. We want enjoyable, active and mature gamers in our ranks. It's clear many of you are fitting right in and seem to like how the other half games. It's not our business to pry, nor would we ever. However we do ask that you simply let your previous crew burn their own bridges and let them be. If they want to lose valuable and fun people, that's their prerogative. At the same time, we certainly don't want ill feelings or disdain to flare up because of something like this.


I should clarify though, this response is nothing against you at all. We do have each other's backs. We understand there is a period of transition and we hope this is the crew you're looking for to fully enjoy GTAO. At present I'll be locking this thread just to be safe. If you have any personal thoughts or opinions on the matter, don't hesitate to PM me.

Edited by G37
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: FIRE :


"If you ride like lightning, you're gonna crash like thunder." - The Place Between The Pines


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