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Presenting the hot-blooded, cool-headed Ocelot Jugular. A model Sports car, this baby can cut down the road with the precision of a surgeon, if that surgeon had an impact force of multiple kilonewtons and could backhand a man with a slap mass of several metric tons. The Ocelot Jugular - now available from Legendary Motorsport.




Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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Great car, feels great and let it please be competitive! 

Only thing that's a huge let down for me are those freaking bolts on the arches. And even the arches themselves could be bit better but R* always needs to something ugly or out of place on certain cars.

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17 hours ago, Paulie said:

Great car, feels great and let it please be competitive! 

Only thing that's a huge let down for me are those freaking bolts on the arches. And even the arches themselves could be bit better but R* always needs to something ugly or out of place on certain cars.

Apparently it is... Mulder has done a bit of testing and it is not top of the pack but quicker than Massacro, Feltzer, Elegy etc.

Can you smell what the Stone is cooking?

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