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Ive been waiting for this for a long time. Im looking forward to this more than any other game coming out. I have to figure out spliting my time too, and its not looking good for some games lol.

Ive not watched any trailers besides the announcement, or read about anything. I dont want to ruin the reveal when I first load it up.

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My most anticipated game of 2015. 400 hrs of game goodness. :D


Let's hope the !@#$% at amazon.ca get their act together; I'm still waiting for my copy of Halo 5. :angry:


Anyone who has dealt with their " customer service " knows how futile it is to argue with them.


Of course the easiest thing to do is cancel my pre-order, but that would mean paying full price elsewhere. There's no chance in hell I'm paying full price for a game.

Edited by FragTrap666
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I have seen so much hype for this game so I am surprised it has been spoken about much yet. I don't even know what it's about but I may look into it. I won't have the time to play it with black ops 3 and GTA.. Maybe I'll get it eventually. I'll have to start looking at some of the ads for it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Got the game on PC because of the mods.


It's in fact the first time I really play a Bethesda game apart from a bit of Skyrim.  It's not the best looking game and there's a few quite a few glitches and bugs, mostly harmless though and sometimes quite funny.  That being said, I have really enjoyed it so far. It's so easy to get side tracked in this game :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the first fallout game I have played and I absolutely love it. It's like a mix of all my favourite games :D


It does have a lot of lag and glitches though, but that doesn't put me off.

Can't have a fallout game without glitches :P That psychic drug lady's chair is stuck inside the roof of a building in my game (and she's been sitting there ever since lmao)
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Can't have a fallout game without glitches :P That psychic drug lady's chair is stuck inside the roof of a building in my game (and she's been sitting there ever since lmao)


I had my first glitch experience in Fallout 4 last week, I was going to kill a super mutant, got randomly flung about 100 feet in the air and fell to my death.

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I had my first glitch experience in Fallout 4 last week, I was going to kill a super mutant, got randomly flung about 100 feet in the air and fell to my death.

Hahaha, that would've made a hilarious video!

I had a similar experience, except not with super mutants. An airship from the brotherhood of steel exploded (I didn't cause it) and the debris landed on top of me, throwing me quite a distance. I did however manage to survive it (to my surprise)

(Not a glitch, but a pretty enjoyable moment) I also had a somewhat lucky moment with 3 or so deathclaws while I was a lower level, there was a tower I was on with a bunch of legendary raiders at the bottom so I was shooting at them, next minute all I see is them getting absolutely torn to pieces by an alpha deathclaw and two standard deathclaws - deathclaws killed them and ran off.. Free loot!! (Till they came back and chased me very far away lmao)

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there is nothing like the fear of running from a gang of deathclaws! this game is pretty epic, i like what they have done with the shooting and crafting systems. im not as big a fan of the perk chart though. its just not as deep as the rpg elements have been in the other games! thats literally my only gripe though!


fun game, spent hours crafting and building! anyone else feel a sense of guilt for not looking for their son? poor little guy, i'll save you.... i just have to build a giant fortress ,fight a Behemoth , jump into some irradiated caves and help 20-30 random strangers first! then i swear ill save you son xD

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Competitive Thursday, TDM madness 8pm GMT

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fun game, spent hours crafting and building! anyone else feel a sense of guilt for not looking for their son? poor little guy, i'll save you.... i just have to build a giant fortress ,fight a Behemoth , jump into some irradiated caves and help 20-30 random strangers first! then i swear ill save you son xD


So true :lol:   I actually forgot where I have to go to continue the main story... Started building in Sanctuary early on and things got a bit out of hand. Must have put in 100 hours of building by now and it's still nowhere near finished.  Instead of a house, I've ended up with a massive fortified shanty town.

Also every time I make my way to some new area or quest objective, you can take it for granted that I get distracted by something else and never end up where I was planning to go in the first place.

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2015 and Bethesda still haven't learned from their mistakes. Performance is crap even in low detail environments, AI is still retarded and game braking bugs just ruins the fun. No thanks, fix your shit and I will go back to this game. Latest patch barely scratches the surface.

Edited by FragTrap666
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I have put a shed-load of hours into this game, finished the multiple story endings & still haven't seen all there is to see in the wasteland...Really enjoyed my time with this game & I look forward to the DLC & mod options they introduce in the future.

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